How to establish Device Trust for Apple iOS Devices with Okta by using JumpCloud's Apple MDM?

Rising Star III
Rising Star III

Hi Community Folks

Yesterday I wrote about: "How to establish Device Trust for Android Devices with Okta by using JumpCloud's Android EMM?"
Now you might wonder: Can I do the same for iOS-devices as well? Yes, certainly you can. 

Please refer to the article for Android (link above) as well as most configuration steps are literally the same.
What differs though is certainly the payload which you need to pass along the managed application (Okta Verify). 

Integration steps

1. Okta: Device Integrations

Navigate to Security -> Device Integrations (1) -> Endpoint Management. Then click 'Add Platform' and select 'iOS'. Next copy the 'Secret Key', provide a name (2) and populate the Enrollment Link for iOS (4):



2. JumpCloud Integration steps

Add/configure Okta Verify under Software Management for iOS MDM

- Add 'Okta Verify' via Apple Business Manager. Once done, it will be available for further configuration

- Click on the app itself, click 'Supply configuration' and provide the following payload according to your settings:





- Now you can apply this app to Device Groups or individual Devices according to your needs. 

Just like for Android, it's straightforward and done that easily.
You can now either create a new Authentication Policy or extend an existing one by adding iOS as another platform:



Within the logs your will get the details accordingly: 


 Additional KB's/resources:
