โ05-28-2022 12:59 PM - edited โ06-09-2022 07:20 AM
For a long time, I wanted to post in the JumpCloud Community. I had many ideas but looked for the one that would make the most impact. Reflecting on my conversations with JumpCloud prospects and current customers, I felt that having a tidy JumpCloud account is easy to talk about but hard to achieve as you need to create groups. But groups are not as easy to think about because you need to think about names, reason, organization, devices, users, policies, etc. Then you start creating/importing users, say to yourself that you will make the groups later, and end up with a flat JumpCloud account. Or you go back and forth and create groups in an ad-hoc fashion making your rollout more difficult.
After thinking about how I can help the JumpCloud Community, I decided to create a script that would do just this, so when rolling out, it's just a matter of checking a checkbox assigning users and devices to their groups.
The script and config files do the following:
Just follow the recipe to success outlined below, and you are in the perfect position to start your rollout:
Now you have a structure your organizational structure reflected in JumpCloud !
Your Next Steps:
At this point, you finished your JumpCloud Rollout !
Group Tips:
Please let me know if this is useful for you, and shout out if you have any questions ๐
"config.json" file:
"jc_api_key" : "YOUR_JUMPCLOUD_API_KEY",
"teams" : [
"user_group_suffix" : "_Users",
"system_group_suffix" : "_Devices",
"policy_group_suffix" : "_Policies",
"backup_format" : "json",
"backup_path" : "~/Dev/JC-BestPractice/Backups"
"JC-BestPractice.ps1" file:
$config_file = "config.json" # Path to $config_file, note that the config file is in the JSON format
$backup_before = $false # Mark this as $true if you want to backup before changes, note that backup output is always enabled
$create_groups = $true # Mark this as $true if you want the script to create groups based on $config_file
$backup_after = $false # Mark this as $true if you want to backup after changes, note that backup output is always enabled
$print_summary = $true # Mark this as $true if you want to print the summary
# Test if $config_file exists
if ( -not ( Test-Path $config_file ) )
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "ERROR: Can't find the file '$config_file'"
Write-Host ""
# Variables
$ProgressPreference = "silentlyContinue"
$start_time = $(get-date)
$config = Get-Content $config_file | ConvertFrom-Json
$headers = @{}
$headers.Add("x-api-key", $config.jc_api_key)
$headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")
$results = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$backup_before_changes = New-Object System.Object
$backup_after_changes = New-Object System.Object
# Connect to JumpCloud
Connect-JCOnline $config.jc_api_key -force
$jc_org = Get-JCOrganization
$backup_path = Join-Path -Path $config.backup_path -ChildPath $jc_org.OrgID
# Get existing User Grocups
$current_user_groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User
$current_user_groups = $current_user_groups | Group-Object -AsHashtable -Property name
# Get existing Device (aka System) Groups
$current_system_groups = Get-JCGroup -Type System
$current_system_groups = $current_system_groups | Group-Object -AsHashtable -Property name
# Get existing Policy Groups
$current_policy_groups = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://console.jumpcloud.com/api/v2/policygroups' -Method GET -Headers $headers -SkipHeaderValidation
$current_policy_groups = $current_policy_groups | Group-Object -AsHashtable -Property name
# Make sure Backup Path exists, otherwise create it
if ( $backup_before -or $backup_after )
if ( -not (Test-Path $backup_path) )
New-Item $backup_path -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
# Backup before making changes to JC organization
if ( $backup_before )
Write-Host ""
$backup_before_changes = Backup-JCOrganization -Path:($backup_path) -All -Format:($config.backup_format) -PassThru
Write-Host ""
## Create new User, Device (aka System), and Policy Groups
if ( $create_groups )
foreach ( $team in $config.teams )
# Create User Group
$user_group_name = ($team + $config.user_group_suffix)
if ( ( $null -eq $user_group_name) -or ( -not $current_user_groups.ContainsKey($user_group_name) ) )
$res = New-JCUserGroup -GroupName $user_group_name
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "GroupType" -Value "User"
$results.Add($res) | Out-Null
$res = New-Object System.Object
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $user_group_name
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "id" -Value $current_user_groups[$user_group_name].id
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Result" -Value "Exists-Skipped"
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "GroupType" -Value "User"
$results.Add($res) | Out-Null
# Create Device (aka System) Group
$system_group_name = ($team + $config.system_group_suffix)
if ( ( $null -eq $current_system_groups) -or ( -not $current_system_groups.ContainsKey($system_group_name) ) )
$res = New-JCSystemGroup -GroupName $system_group_name
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "GroupType" -Value "Device"
$results.Add($res) | Out-Null
$res = New-Object System.Object
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $system_group_name
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "id" -Value $current_system_groups[$system_group_name].id
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Result" -Value "Exists-Skipped"
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "GroupType" -Value "Device"
$results.Add($res) | Out-Null
# Create Policy Group
$policy_group_name = ($team + $config.policy_group_suffix)
if ( ( $null -eq $current_policy_groups) -or ( -not $current_policy_groups.ContainsKey($policy_group_name) ) )
$body.Add("name", $policy_group_name)
$body = $body | ConvertTo-Json
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://console.jumpcloud.com/api/v2/policygroups' -Method POST -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body
$res = New-Object System.Object
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $response.name
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "id" -Value $response.id
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Result" -Value "Created"
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "GroupType" -Value "Policy"
$results.Add($res) | Out-Null
$res = New-Object System.Object
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $policy_group_name
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "id" -Value $current_policy_groups[$policy_group_name].id
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Result" -Value "Exists-Skipped"
$res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "GroupType" -Value "Policy"
$results.Add($res) | Out-Null
# Backup after making changes to JC organization
if ( $backup_after )
Write-Host ""
$backup_after_changes = Backup-JCOrganization -Path:($backup_path) -All -Format:($config.backup_format) -PassThru
Write-Host ""
# Print Summary
if ( $print_summary )
$elapsed_time = $(get-date) - $start_time
$total_time = "{0:HH:mm:ss}" -f ([datetime]$elapsed_time.Ticks)
$number_of_groups_created = $results.get_Count()
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ("Execution Summary for JumpCloud OrgID: " + $jc_org.OrgID)
Write-Host "* Start Time: $start_time"
Write-Host "* Total runtime: $total_time"
Write-Host "* Number of Groups Created: $number_of_groups_created"
if ( $backup_before ) { Write-Host ("* Backup before changes file name: " + $backup_before_changes.BackupLocation.FullName + ".zip") }
if ( $backup_after ) { Write-Host ("* Backup after changes file name: " + $backup_after_changes.BackupLocation.FullName + ".zip") }
Write-Host ""
โ05-31-2022 11:49 AM
This is an awesome resource @Idan! Would've saved us a bunch of time when onboarding.
Any improvements in mind if you had the time?
โ06-08-2022 09:37 AM
Hi @RyanBailey !
Apologies for the late reply. I'm happy that you find this as a good resource for you ๐
I'm not sure I have time for modifying the script, but am interested on hearing suggestions you may have !
โ09-13-2022 09:02 AM
Very useful article, thanks Idan for sharing!
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