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How do you install jumpcloud password manager...using jumpcloud?

Rising Star II

We starting to try "jumpcloud password manager" but it, and the all the browser plugins seem to be a manual install.

Given we have jumpcloud and want to install jumpcloud products, surely there must be an automated way?

What have I missing?



JumpCloud Employee
JumpCloud Employee

hey great question. you can do this for your chrome footprint via goole chrome enterprise (free to sign up for) & jumpcloud patch management (additional paid JC service). 

other helpful resources: Manage Chrome Browser Preferences Using a PolicySet up Chrome Browser Management, JC community post on browser patch management

To begin, we need to set up Chrome Browser Management, and generate an enrollment token. The enrollment token will then be added to your JumpCloud Browser Patch Policies, and will be distributed to managed devices which are bound to these policies.

Generate Enrollment Token:

  1. Sign into Google Workspace admin console
  2. Navigate to Menu > Devices > Chrome > Managed Browsers
  3. Add an organization unit titled โ€œChrome Browser Managementโ€
  4. At the bottom right of the screen select the + button to generate a new enrollment token, copy
  5. Sign into JumpCloud admin console
  6. Paste the enrollment token into each Browser Patch Policy you configure, and check the boxes for "Enroll in Chrome Browser Cloud Management" & "Enable Chrome Browser Cloud Management"
  7. Bind (either directly or via Device Groups) JumpCloud devices to the policy to distribute token. Once enrolled, these devices will become present in the Google Workspace admin console under Menu > Devices > Chrome > Managed Browsers

Configure Browser Extensions in the Google Workspace Admin Console

  1. In GWS admin, navigate to Home > Chrome > Apps & Extensions > Users and Browsers and click โ€œAdditional Settings"
  2. Under the settings for allow/block mode click edit. For these settings I chose to select the following configurations:
    - Play Store: Block all apps, admins manages allowlist
    - Chrome Web Store: Block all apps, admin manages allowlist, users may request extensions
    Note: This will allow us to create an allow list of extensions, AND give the user the ability to request a new extension
  3. Next, we will add extensions to our allow list and configure settings. Make sure you are in Home > Chrome > Apps & Extensions > Users and Browsers, click the yellow plus sign in the bottom right of the page, and choose โ€œAdd from Chrome Web Storeโ€
  4. Search for and select the extension you would like to add (JumpCloud Password Manager, in this case)
  5. Configure settings for the extensions behavior - we recommend โ€œForce install + pin to browser toolbarโ€

Novitiate I

There's an easy way to install any browser-app (providing you're using Microsoft Edge), for Chrome its a lot trickier. 

I utilise the Custom RegEdit Policies and there I can force-install the Edge app for the password manager!

Rising Star II

Thankyou, it does seem strange that given part of JC's core-functionality  is installing and maintaining remote apps, they isn't something ready-made for password-manager and its various plugins.

I am speaking to my CEO about bringing users chrome-browsers "under management" as it not something we do at the moment so would be a cultural change at the company.

I think Edge is definatly worth doing as well, especially given the AI stuff they are adding