Rising Star II
since ‎11-28-2022

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  • 65 Posts
  • 4 Solutions
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The first group of my users are starting to have (mainstream Dell) Windows laptops using SnapdragonX which is a ARM64 processor that also (very effectively so far) can run traditional Windows code.JC doesn't seem to be completely ready for it yet tho...
SymptomsThe serial number is not being reported to Jumpcloud from a new version of WindowsDiagnosisOn the command line of the machine try running the command WMICSolutionJumpcloud agent at the time of writing uses "Windows management instrumentation"...
We mainly use Dell laptops and for the most part JC agent successfully retrieves their serial number and reports them to the JC console.This is important to use as it is part of our company's security qualificationsHow does this work "under the hood"...
I am trying to setup JC as the identity manager to "Apple Business Manager" there isn't a ready-made connector so am trying to use a custom one, I am stumped though as to what jumpclouds SSF Config URL (Shared Signals Framework)  is that Apple seems ...
Is anyone else having an issue with the console today, chrome debugger (you get to it by pressing F12) says it is because of their use of externally hosted javascript libraries combined with their CSP (content security policy) not having all of those...