02-02-2024 02:48 AM - edited 02-02-2024 02:49 AM
Hi Folks,
Another Friday, another post 😀 - We probably all need something to cheer up in this prolonged, if not dreary, February.
As the title suggests, today, I wanted to share a use case I recently got the idea for from @rickieneville - in combination with two awesome new conditions in Dynamic Groups: Hostnames and Public IPs, and a cherry on top - the “starts with” operator. (A big shout-out to @dwjohn )
So, what was the story? Well, Rickie was asking if we have a way to automatically move devices into groups based on their types - Desktop or Laptops. The use cases can be:
et’s Dive in.
(Spoiler alert - make sure you are comfortable with my approach to change the hostname into a certain pattern org-wide, which otherwise can be customised & tailored to your organisation’s needs.)
TL;DR - For the complete script, head over to my repository here.
To reconcile the hostnames of the devices of your choice, run the snippet below. It is strongly recommended to run this in smaller batches rather than executing a "big bang" on all devices at once.
We will change the “Displayname” on JumpCloud via the PowerShell Module this time around.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script: Set-JCDisplayName.ps1
# Version: 1.0.0
# Author: Shawn Song
# Reference:
# - https://community.jumpcloud.com/t5/community-scripts/powershell-add-the-systems-to-a-system-group-depends-on-where/m-p/1733#M172
# Notes: Don't run this on all devices unless you are 100% sure about the impact!!
# Requirements:
# - The latest JumpCloud PowerShell Module. https://jumpcloud.com/support/install-the-jumpcloud-powershell-module
# - PowerShell 7 and above versions.
# - JumpCloud API keys for both Manager & Read-only roles.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Connect to your JC Tenant - Manager role is good enough!
Connect-JCOnline -JumpCloudApiKey $env:JCRW # Strongly suggest storing the API key in the system env variable,
$jcSystems = "system_ID01","system_ID02"
# Don't run this on all devices unless you are 100% sure about the impact!!
#$jcSystems = (Get-JCSystem -returnProperties osFamily | where {($_.osFamily -ne "ios") -and ($_.osFamily -ne "android")})._id # ruling out the mobile devices
# Determine the machine type
function Get-MachineType {
param (
$hasBattery = Get-JCSystemInsights -Table Battery -SystemId $systemID
$type = "LT"
if ($null -eq $hasBattery ) {
$type = "DT"
return $type
# Get the SN (and cap at 10 char) as part of the hostname
function Get-MachineSN{
param (
[Int32]$snCharLimit = 12, # 12 is the hostname hard limit for Windows
$SN = (Get-JCSystemInsights -Table SystemInfo -id $systemID | select HardwareSerial).HardwareSerial
if (($SN.Length -gt $snCharLimit) -and ($null -ne $SN)){
$SN = $SN.trim() -replace " ",'' -replace '-','' -replace '\r?\n\z' # removing whitespaces
$SN = $SN.Substring(0,$snCharLimit)
return $SN
Now, it’s time to gather these devices into a device group for later, changing the hostname on the device individually, for each supported OS.
# Create a new device group to gather these systems together
$newGrounName = "NewHostName"
$ng = Get-JCGroup -Type System -name $newGrounName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -eq $ng){
$ng = New-JCSystemGroup -GroupName "NewHostName"
# Executing the change
foreach ($s in $jcSystems){
$displayName = (Get-MachineType -systemID $s) +'-' + (Get-MachineSN -systemID $s)
# Changing the displayname on JC
Write-Host "new name for $s will change to: $displayname"
Set-JCSystem -displayName $displayName
# Add to the system group
write-host "adding $displayname to group $($ng.name)"
Add-JCSystemGroupMember -GroupID $ng.id -SystemID $s
Last but not least, now we can group the desktops or laptops together like these:
Boom, the respective devices will fall into the place progressively as the cmd runs. Now you can implement policies, install softwares, and enforce patch policies for these distinguished groups!
That’s it, thanks for reading this far. What do you think about this use case? Leave a comment below please. 😉
Happy Friday, have a great weekend ahead!
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