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JumpCloud’s Perspective on July’s Global IT Outage

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Our CEO, @rajat, has a new blog post up on our corporate blog. In it, he gives a list of immediate steps that organizations should take once they’ve fully brought all of their systems online. 

Here are some excerpts from the article: 

When we look back–in six months, 12 months, or even several years–at the global IT outage that severely disrupted major industries around the world, I don’t think that it will be hyperbole to say that July’s global outage is a watershed moment for IT. Just as the SolarWinds breach was security’s watershed moment, this will end up being IT’s. And, just like with security’s wake-up call, things will get better, we will build more resilient systems, and teams will think differently. We have to. The world is more reliant on technology and more interconnected than ever–there isn’t another option.

This note is not about casting blame or pushing products. It’s about realizing the depth of criticality and impact of IT and security in every organization around the world.... The truth is that these events can and do happen. But July’s events are at a radically different scale.... When critical IT and security infrastructure and tooling hiccup, the effects are dramatic. It’s the responsibility we bear every day. 

We'd like for you to read the entire blog post and then come back here and give us your feedback.

Remember to keep it respectful—we're not here to bash other companies, but we can discuss what went wrong and how you're working on or changing your IRPs based on what happened, how it may have affected your company, or what you'll change in the future.

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