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MSP Peer Groups

Rising Star III
Rising Star III

Hi Everyone,

I was reminded today about MSP peer groups and a short blog I wrote on them a couple of months ago. (MSP Peer Groups)

It came about as I was chatting to an MSP today about the value of such a group. There is a bit of a perception that they are just a kind of informal get-together thing? My experience is that they are far more, I think Accountability Groups would be a better phrase as I think this is one of the main purposes of groups like this.

They really look under the hoods of their peers and give advice on what to do, then at the next meeting the ask how it's gone. There is nothing like this kind of pressure to keep you on your toes and do what you promised.

I've seen life long friendships be formed in these groups and also really heated arguments followed by (usually) friendly dinners.

What are your experiences with MSP Peer Groups? Are you a member of one? Considering joining one or just don't see the point? 

They aren't cheap, they take you out of the business for quite a few days per year. Are they worth it?

Let me know your experiences below..