Summer ’23 JumpShot: MSP Edition

Iron II
Iron II

New support for multiple Active Directory (AD) domains enables MSPs to do more business with larger clients, whether it’s adopting Cloud RADIUS to extend AD or migrating to JumpCloud. Likewise, we’re delivering greater flexibility for Azure Active Directory (AAD) domain configurations and user management by offering additional domain configurations for directory integration. Other enhancements include broader Linux support for Password Manager.

New Device Integration

Windows MDM


JumpCloud now supports mobile device management (MDM) for Windows. This update enables MSPs to easily onboard Windows 10/11 devices for their end users, leveraging the capabilities of the industry-trusted and standardized Windows MDM protocol.

Read The Community Post


Password Manager

Password Manager Now Supported on Linux Debian Build


Introducing a new downloadable version of the Password Manager desktop app for Linux using the Debian build. This version provides more stability than the .appimage format and supports automatic updates.

Read The Support Article 


Active Directory Multi-Domain Support

Multiple Domain Configurations Now Available for M365/Azure AD


Now, MSPs have much more flexibility with their domain configurations and user management. Choose from three possible configurations: 1) no domains, 2) one or more domains, no default domain, or 3) a list of one or more domains with one default domain.

Read The Support Article

Active Directory Integration (ADI) Support for Multiple Domains


Active Directory Integration (ADI) now supports customers with multiple domains. This update gives MSPs greater flexibility to extend their AD environments to the cloud, manage their clients’ users and groups in AD or JumpCloud, and help with migration.

Read The Support Article