JumpCloud Android EMM is now available!

JumpCloud Employee
JumpCloud Employee

I’m pleased to announce the general availability (GA) of JumpCloud Android EMM! JumpCloud Android EMM enables IT admins and MSPs to securely select, deploy, and manage Android devices and services throughout their environment. It increases their visibility, security, and control on a wide range of Android COD (corporate-owned) and BYOD devices. It provides a flexible policy management approach that takes into account the critical need to secure corporate data while respecting employees’ personal privacy.



Key Capabilities:

  • Device provisioning: Easily configure and manage corporate apps, data, and policies for seamless IT management, while enabling a clear separation of work and personal use on the device. Admins may use QR codes for provisioning or enrollment tokens when QR code scanning isn’t an option.
  • Device security: Allow the enforcement of security policies and corporate compliances to prevent data leakage and control user activities. 
  • Application management: Enable silent app distribution without the need for a user-provided Google account on the device. Support provided includes public, private, and web apps through a single pane of glass.
  • Device management: IT admins can silently set specific permissions without bothering the end user with numerous permission prompts.
  • Account management: Streamlined account management for managed Google Play Accounts including enterprise enrollment, provisioning, and lifecycle management.


Benefits to Direct Customers:

  • Decreased IT administration: Easily and automatically configure, test, and distribute each Android device. Upon setup in the Google Play Store, JumpCloud’s console serves as a single pane of glass to manage all of your identities and devices, saving time and eliminating tedious manual processes. 
  • Reduction of security risks: Limit or eliminate the potential security risks for BYOD to work. Ensure that corporate apps, data, and management policies are restricted to the work profile so that the device is fully secure to be used for work purposes. JumpCloud provides admins with the option to deploy custom JSON payloads for any setting as well as pre-built policies for passcodes and more.
  • Increased productivity and lower user friction: Provide satisfaction for end users as they get to use the device of their choice. JumpCloud’s Android EMM enhances mobile work productivity by making it possible to use the devices that they are familiar with. 
  • Enhanced end user privacy: Reassure and give end users the confidence that their personal data is kept separate from the company’s data and is not accessible to IT at any time.


Benefits to MSPs:

  • Increased reselling margins: Centralize all the core capabilities (i.e., identity, access, and (desktop and mobile) device management in the JumpCloud Open Directory Platform.
  • Reduced operating costs: Provide an easy and cost-effective way for MSPs to manage multi-OS mobile devices.
  • Minimize security risks: Securely manage Android devices for MSPs’ customers, regardless if it’s company owned or an end user bringing their own devices to work. 
  • Increase customer satisfaction: Ability to support multi-OS for mobile devices makes MSP customers and their end users happy as they are not restricted to a specific OS mobile device. 


The Admin Experience:

Discovering Android EMMDiscovering Android EMMAndroid EMM Pre-RegistrationAndroid EMM Pre-RegistrationAndroid EMM Post-RegistrationAndroid EMM Post-RegistrationAndroid Device PoliciesAndroid Device PoliciesPublic Apps in Managed Google Play StorePublic Apps in Managed Google Play Store

App Details for a Public AppApp Details for a Public AppAndroid Device DetailsAndroid Device Details

Android Device Policy ResultsAndroid Device Policy Results

The End User Experience:

User Portal - Android Personal Device EnrollmentUser Portal - Android Personal Device EnrollmentAndroid Device Policy app in Play StoreAndroid Device Policy app in Play Store

Scanning QR Code with Android Device Policy appScanning QR Code with Android Device Policy app

Work Profile Post-EnrollmentWork Profile Post-Enrollment

Learn more about Android EMM from the following resources:


Novitiate I

Hi @sergey_p_belous 
Just Ask.Why if i choose Full Managed it's still create 2 profile, work and personal.shouldn't there only 1 profile when i choose full managed enrollment type?

JumpCloud Employee
JumpCloud Employee

Hey @Andrianka - we did have some reported issues last week where customers would attempt to enroll as a fully managed device but instead would get enrolled as a Work Profile - Company-owned device.

We made changes to correct this issue. If you are still seeing this issue now, please reach out to JumpCloud Support and also feel free to comment here.

Hi @sergey_p_belous , thanks for your answer
now i have face this issue, when i scan QR code as Fully Managed Enroll, on my android screen shows "Can't set up work profile, Your IT admin does'nt allow a work profile on this device", if like this what should i do?thanks.

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