Name: Rohit Srivastava
Title: Director of Engineering , Platforms
Contact information: <redacted>
Company name: MiQ Digital (
1. What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud?
We’re using On-prem Active Directory
Disk Encryption using McAfee Native Encryption
Manual Onboarding & Offboarding Process
Different MDM tools for managing Windows and another for MacOS
Manual User Password reset Process
2. What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to considering JumpCloud?
Technical Challenges: Active Directory which needs to be on Corporate network for applying GPO and Password sync and to maintain the Active directory Users across all regions we have to deploy additional domain controllers across all locations and keep the databases in sync which incurred more cost for deploying the Window server and licensing.
Cost Optimisation: Each AD server needed to be maintained on a regular basis to avoid the non sync of users which is time consuming and routine. This overall led to ~8000$ savings per year on an infrastructure and licensing model.
Resource Optimisation: This also helped us bring down 1 Cloud & IT Support Engineer effort significantly.
Future proof & Sustainable: Biggest challenge was the User password sync across multiple platforms which sometimes also caused Security issues as well as non-sustainable environments to maintain.
3. What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs?
Centralised Employee Device management - Cloud based Directory which helps to manage users and devices across different regions specifically during Covid.
Rescue during COVID - During Covid many places have lockdown. Jumpcloud helped to deliver the laptop directly to the New Employees and let us configure in Zero touch provisioning which gave us new joiners best onboarding experience.
Interactive interface for ease of use for IT Admins - Really extensive interface for super easy to use by any new joinee in IT and support team
Resource & Infra Cost efficiency - No havoc for infra maintenance or an extra resource to manage the software and modules
1 Stop & All in One solutions - MDM,Encryption,Patch management,Insight & so on.
Highly Engaged Customer Support Engineer - Having a dedicated CSM always helps to know the state of the software as well as be aware of the Innovative roadmap that JC team is coming up with
Enterprise Support & Customer Empathy - Customer support which is really good. During our testing stage we have raised multiple concerns even though there was a time zone difference and the support is top notch.
4. Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.?
We’re MiQ, a programmatic media partner for marketers and agencies. We connect data from multiple sources to do interesting, exciting, business-problem-solving things for our clients. A self-funded business, the company has now grown to over 1100 employees, with 15 global offices covering 4 continents.
We’re fully in Cloud & Container based infrastructure as we recently deprecated Active directory with help of Jumpcloud. We don’t have any On-prem server in any of our offices across the globe. We have almost 1100 users so far and yet growing.
All our workloads are hosted in our AWS Infrastructure and all users are currently managed via IDP+SSO solution i.e. Google+OKTA.
All our laptops are fully managed using Jumpcloud MDM and Disk encryption policy.
We’re using more than 100 applications which are inhouse applications and also SaaS based applications
We have a ratio of 49% of windows and 51% of Mac machines.
We have a strong suite of Business System with highly secured ecosystem using Technologies like SentinelOne, Meraki Firewall and many more
5. Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win!
Directory Syncing: We have directory synced enabled for Active Directory and Google to have One password across all accounts.
Jumpcloud User Self Portal saviour of our IT team - Every hour we had a lot of user lock out issues when we’re on Active directory specially during weekend and holidays but with the help of Jumpcloud, all users are able to change their password and unlock themselves and users feel comfortable when they receive password link instead sending the temporary password when using AD server.
Local Admin Password Rotation - One Interesting feature we have rolled out recently is the local admin password rotation through Jumpcloud Command. To secure the Local admin passwords we have implemented this feature which helps to change all the local admin password remotely in all the users machines.
WiFi Authentication - Our Corporate wifi used basic pre-shared key which got saved in all the users' devices which included the users who left our organisation. So we have recently leveraged the RADIUS authentication for office Wi-FI authentication which was applauded by many users as they don’t need to remember the wifi password instead they can use their same system password.
Script to check application Installed - We have received commercial software usage compliance notice from one of the software vendors (Docker Desktop). With these scripts we have checked all the users' machines and identified all the users who have the software installed which helps us to quickly remove all those software easily in just clicks and saves us from legal compliance & billing issues.
Centralised BitLocker and FileVault management using Jumpcloud gives better control in the data protection and compliance
Software installation through Jumpcloud is a boom which reduces our new user setup within 10mins. We added required software to the Device groups and when we add users to that specific group then all software get installed automatically without disturbing the user. We have used this cool feature many times to mass roll out the new software to the users machines without any issues with 100% success rate.
VPN Authentication: Earlier we used Active Directory for the user authentication in our VPN authentication and recently we have moved to Jumpcloud LDAP based OpenVPN authentication which helped to get stronger in our security posture.
Patch Management - Using OS Patch Management helps to manage new version OS tested before putting into Production
HRIS based Onboarding and Offboarding Workflow which saves lot time for IT team. We have been able to integrate with 2 major HRIS platforms like Namely & Hibob and have unblocked us in many on the way blockers via JC utilities
Commands - Screen lockout policy which helps in the compliance, Don’t display username on login screen, Installation of Antivirus via Command
6. What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve?
JumpCloud overall has been a game changing platform for us. It had significantly speeded up the delivery time for System Engineers. Having JC in our ecosystem is a testimonial to the fact that we are on the right path to scale to a 1 Billion Dollar business with right future proofing tools in our pocket.
Results so far:
We have deprecated Active Directory from our Infrastructure
Unified MDM solutions for managing all machines in one place
Centralised Disk Encryption management
Software patch management
One touch provisioning of MacOS
100% Automated Onboarding and Offboarding Workflow
VPN authentication via Jumpcloud LDAP
Radius based Wi-Fi Authentication
Local Admin Password Rotation
Coming up:
SSO for all applications
Jumpcloud based Asset management system
Centralised Log management via Directory & System Insights
More Powershell/bash commands in research
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Name: Steven Hodges Title: Systems Administrator Contact Information: See Profile Company Name: Webspec Location: Urbandale, IA
What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud?
We were using a self-hosted service called FreeIPA. We used it to sync linux accounts across our roughly 100 servers.
What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to considering JumpCloud?
The main issue was that FreeIPA is semi-locked down to a RHEL based OS. They have some support for Debian, but it's not great. With CentOS 7 going EOL in 2024, and CentOS 8 going EOL in 2021 & moving to CentOS Stream; we decided it was time to look into other solutions for account management.
The other main issue was that with roughly 65 employees, it was incredibly hard for me to manage accounts across various resources & accounts.
What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs?
One thing I value highly when choosing new vendors is that we'll be treated like humans, instead of like a checkbook. It ultimately came down to Okta (shocking, I know) and JumpCloud. I had a better experience with the JC sales people than I did Okta. The second thing is (of course) pricing. If I remember correctly, for our use case, the pricing between Okta and JumpCloud was negligible, but Okta had "marketing" names for their products, instead of just what they were like JumpCloud. So I had a hard time ensuring I was choosing the right "add ons".
In the end, JumpCloud won and I haven't looked back since.
Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.?
Webspec has roughly 65 employees, all of which are in JumpCloud. Most of our employees have one computer, with a few of us having two (or in my case three, don't ask lol), that are managed in JumpCloud.
Additionally, we have roughly 120 servers that we also add in JumpCloud, to manage linux users for our development staff. All but 2 of them are cloud hosted.
All of our servers, with the exception of a few operations specific servers, have either WordPress, Drupal, Laravel, or a custom PHP site hosted on them. As a web & app development and marketing agency, we host and maintain our clients sites for them.
All of our servers are running some version of Ubuntu or CentOS 7.
Our computers are either Windows or MacOS, we haven't had any employees request to use Linux yet.
Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win!
We heavily rely on User & Device groups to maintain access to various SSO apps and devices. I actually wrote a post about how we use groups in detail!
We're utilizing the LDAP SAMBA integration to allow our developers to mount their own development servers to their computers, for ease of editing / uploading files.
We have two RADIUS instances created, one that manages the WiFi in our office, the other is being used to manage authentication to our VPN.
Of course we have a handful of SSO apps, five of which have a Conditional Policy that require MFA.
We're utilizing OS Patch Management and absolutely LOVING it. I learned pretty quickly that some of our staff don't bother doing updates... we even had one MacBook Pro that was 2 major versions behind...
The coolest thing (in my opinion) that we use, is the JumpCloud API! We're using it heavily to help maintain our internal HR & Asset Management system. I also wrote a good size post about the details of how we're using the JumpCloud API!
I'm in love with the commands feature too, but other than some random commands, we're not utilizing it heavily. One of my favorite things, is to change the background image to a picture of me with some friends occasionally. 🙈
What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve?
The biggest improvement we've seen is the amount of hours it takes to onboard new employees. A few clicks here and there and all but 3 company accounts are created and ready to go for new employees. The other 3 accounts will soon be created, once I write a custom API connector to manage that! (Unfortunately one of them don't support SSO, and the other two require us to pay more for it.)
A month or so ago, our CEO had to ssh into one of our servers for the first time since we started using JumpCloud, and was blown away at how he just had to upload his SSH key to his account, and within minutes had his account ready to go on the server to restart the database service.
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Name: Nathan Vergin Title: Director of IT Contact information: (in profile) Company name: AkitaBox Location: We are headquartered in Madison, WI but have employees all across the country. What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud? Nothing - all our workstations (Windows, Mac, and Linux) were standalone and were using local user accounts. We leveraged a variety of SaaS business systems such as Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, Slack, Zoom, LastPass, Atlassian, etc… but there was nothing from an IT perspective pulling it all together or managing access to those systems. What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to consider JumpCloud? When I started at AkitaBox nearly 4 years ago, there was no centralized internal IT infrastructure in place. There were no standard naming conventions other than for the company email address, few policies were in place around passwords/security, and pretty much everything was done in an ad-hoc method as the mindset was more to simply “make it work” rather than to make it “work right” from a centralized, managed IT perspective. My first project was to bring order to that chaos. JumpCloud was the first new system that I brought on board in order to establish a centralized directory to manage our computer and user accounts. After that first huge win, I kept the momentum going by systematically implementing additional features and capabilities offered by the platform. JumpCloud has continued to play a pivotal role in helping to secure, streamline, and transform the business in a wide variety of ways and as new features are introduced, we continue to implement them bringing further consolidation and standardization to our business. To this day, when I am going through our IT onboarding orientation with new employees, I describe JumpCloud as the backbone of not only our IT infrastructure but by extension, the business itself. What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs? At the time we had an office that roughly 95% of our employees worked out of the majority of the time. Full-time remote work was not a huge factor at that point but mobility was as there was a need for regular travel. So from the get-go, we have been a cloud-first organization with no on-prem infrastructure outside of the local network and a printer. As such, we needed a directory solution that was not only cloud-based but one that would seamlessly support all 3 major operating systems. Something that would allow mobility and an ability to easily scale and adapt to our business needs and operational requirements as we continued to grow. I also wanted to find a solution from a company that was still young and agile enough that rapid innovation in the platform was still taking place and that real-world user feedback and feature requests would actually help shape the product. JumpCloud was the only product that not only met those needs but went above and beyond them. Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.? We currently have roughly 50 employees. Over the past 4 years, we have seamlessly transitioned from an office-based mobile environment to being 100% remote literally overnight early on in the pandemic. Recently we have transitioned into a hybrid environment with remote-first being the standard but with an office that can be used as desired. Approximately one-third of our company now works out of state, most of which have never been to our physical office. We recently transitioned most of our workforce to MacBook Pros and MacBook Airs. We still have a subset of users who require Windows systems for specific AutoDesk products and also have a Linux user. Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win! We centralized and standardized our IT environment bringing order and manageability to the chaos that it had previously been. Implementation of JumpCloud-based SSO has dramatically reduced the number of passwords our employees need to remember. For systems we cannot yet natively attach to JumpCloud SSO, most allow Google authentication which then acts as a man-in-the-middle to provide seamless authentication into those systems while falling back on JumpCloud as the primary SSO/authentication authority. This has made onboarding and offboarding much faster and easier from both an IT perspective as well as that of the employee. We implemented JumpCloud SSO in securing our own AkitaBox SaaS application. All of our employees leverage that when accessing our platform internally. We have reduced the time it takes to build (or rebuild) computers from a purely manual process spanning multiple hours to a largely automated affair that now takes less than an hour in most cases. With the move to Macs as our primary OS, we now leverage Automated Device Enrollment and JumpCloud MDM to provide a largely automated, “light-touch” build process with the hope for true zero-touch deployments in the future. IT Onboarding and the creation of new user accounts have also been highly optimized by leveraging orchestration workflows in Freshservice (our IT ticketing system). This provides easy repeatability and reduces onboarding overhead because HR can initiate the IT onboarding process through a simple form and standard accounts are instantly created. All of our systems adhere to reasonable password policies, enforce full disk encryption, and leverage SSO via JumpCloud helping us to meet our security and compliance requirements. We leverage JumpCloud Protect for both TOTP and Push authentication as well as conditional access which makes authentication much less intrusive for our employees. Patch management has recently been implemented, helping to ensure our systems are up-to-date and again helping us to not only meet our security and compliance requirements but also to rapidly respond to and roll out critical updates when needed. Software Management and Policy Management are both leveraged to help standardize and harden our systems. Commands are also used to assist in performing remote tasks, provide reporting, and deploy some software packages. We leverage JumpCloud RADIUS to secure our office wireless networks. What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve? We have built out one of the best onboarding experiences that our employees have ever experienced. (we are often told just how great it is) We have greatly increased our overall security and compliance allowing us to more easily meet the requirements of SOC2 certification (Type 2, in-progress) and future certifications that are planned. We can centrally manage our users and devices bringing standardization and simplicity to our environment which in turn means there are fewer issues overall and when problems do arise, it is much faster/easier to resolve them. This results in higher employee satisfaction and happiness, and less stress for me from an IT perspective. The overall end-user experience has been greatly simplified by using SSO to reduce passwords. Paired with a streamlined MFA process leveraging conditional access and the JumpCloud Protect app we have been able to greatly increase our security with little burden put on our employees which leads to more rapid adoption and acceptance. I have managed to retain my sanity as a Director of IT who functions as a department of one. By simplifying, streamlining, and automating many of the day-to-day routine processes within the environment, JumpCloud allows me more time to work on larger impactful projects, plan out future initiatives, and focus on business-wide priorities such as security, compliance, software/licensing, budget, etc. At the end of the day, there are a number of IT services that I rely upon to keep our IT infrastructure secure and running smoothly, but JumpCloud more than any other is mission-critical for us.
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name: Chris Grisdale title: Head of Information Security contact information: (redacted) company name: hipages Group location: Sydney, Australia What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud? Prior to the JumpCloud implementation, our Windows users were on Active Directory and our MacOS users were unmanaged which was a major problem for us. From a MDM point of view, we were using Meraki MDM on an ad-hoc basis across our devices. At a high-level, there were many platforms used that were hard to manage for the IT Operations team. What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to considering JumpCloud? One of the main challenges we were facing is how we can centrally manage users and devices from one platform and efficiently onboard/offboard users to our environment. Additionally, we have a split of operating systems used across MacOS and Windows which is always a challenge to manage centrally. What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs? At a high-level, our organisation was looking for a platform that could shift our business transformation to a more efficient and effective way to manage our users. As we were looking for a platform that provides identity and access management, device management and zero trust model capability, JumpCloud were able to provide all these functionalities centrally. Additionally, we were looking for a platform that is easy to navigate for our IT Operations team within one cloud-native dashboard. Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.? We are a cloud-native organisation with nearly 300 employees operating across Australia, New Zealand, Philippines and China that uses Google on the backend that syncs with JumpCloud. The IT Operations team maintain both managed and unmanaged devices across MacOS and Windows devices and over 30 SaaS cloud-native applications. Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win! We went through an IT and security maturity uplift program and as part of this strategy, JumpCloud was a key dependent to ensure success. Moving away from Active Directory and becoming a pure cloud-native organisation, we implemented the product to centrally manage our end users identities, devices, SSO authentication, MFA and set conditional access policies for zero trust. We were able to configure our MacOS profiles to ensure an easy integration and implementation of our new endpoint detection and response and next generation secure web gateway platforms. Additionally, it was a flawless process to sync our Google directory. Overall, the JumpCloud platform has transformed our business from the ground up to operate more efficiently, effectively and most importantly, securely! What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve? Overall, we have seen an increase in time saved for onboarding and offboarding employees with a centralised approach for all application authentication. We are hoping to automate this even further with integration with our new HRIS system in the next 12 months. Our security maturity has significantly increased as we have enabled a zero trust model through conditional access policies. Additionally, we are hoping to use JumpCloud for RADIUS access at our offices in the next 12 months and will have utilised all of JumpCloud's capabilities!
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name: Zach Middleton title: IT Manager contact information: company name: Sifted location: Kansas City, MO What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud? Before Jumpcloud, we used OneLogin for SSO, and Meraki for MDM, lacking an identity management system for users. Everything was segmented across multiple applications and nothing seemed to work together. As admins, we spent hours trying to get many different systems to work together. The worst part was when there was an issue, each vendor seemed to point the finger elsewhere and there was no way to know which system was causing problems. What was the challenge your company faced that led you to consider JumpCloud? The challenge Sifted was facing included segmented applications, where one system didn't talk to the other. IT spent hours setting up users in multiple systems, across many SaaS platforms that we used. Any time there was an issue, we had to contact multiple vendors. Sifted doesn't have an Active Directory domain and we are a hybrid work environment with about half of our staff permanently remote. This presents many challenges when using segmented, antiquated systems to manage many facets of our IT infrastructure. What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs? With Jumpcloud being a fellow start-up, we knew that innovation would be a focus of Jumpcloud. The thing that was most exciting for us was to be able to both manage our end-user identities and machines as well! An added bonus was being able to also have SSO handled by jumpcloud as well. The commands and policies were also an intriguing way to push out changes to our machines as well! Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.? Sifted is a start-up SaaS company where we have a hybrid work environment. Our sales and support staff work in the office and our development and engineering teams all work remotely. We have about 200 users. We manage Windows and macOS devices. The majority of our infrastructure is hosted in AWS. Our applications are also hosted in AWS! Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win! As a SaaS company, we obviously believe in leveraging cloud computing. We have integrations built between Jumpcloud and the following cloud companies: Google GSuite, Salesforce, Atlassian, Slack, AWS, Cisco, Zoom, CarbonBlack (VMWare), Cloudflare, and many others. We have built SSO integrations with each of these cloud providers. The end-user experience is second to none; all of our users can access any of their daily applications from the jumpcloud portal. When we set up a new machine, we have policies in place to auto-install Google Chrome, Drive Stream, Slack, Zoom, and other specific applications that may be needed. As soon as we install the Jumpcloud agent and add that machine to a certain user group, BOOM! Applications get installed!! We also have been relying heavily on Jumpcloud's MFA features. All of our users have to authenticate with MFA once every 8 hours. The transition to MFA was very easy! We have certain commands set up as well. With the click of a button, I can push out our enterprise Antivirus, Carbon Black, and it installs so quickly! On macOS devices, we have policies in place to disable guest accounts, enable file vault, configure VPN, configure our corporate wifi connection, and also define system update policies. This makes our lives as admins so much easier! For Windows machines, we have policies in place for configuring BitLocker, disabling the use of USB drives, disabling guest accounts, and preventing Microsoft accounts that tend to take over the user profile. Having the ability to write policies like this really removes the need for the traditional Active Directory environment that is traditionally the standard in any corporate network. We are able to be on the cutting edge of cloud computing with Jumpcloud. We constantly get compliments from new hires about how seamless everything is set up! What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve? The main result that we have seen from implementing Jumpcloud is how easy it is to manage user identities and machines all under the same application. As I said before, we were very segmented in our applications so there were many different places that we needed to make changes. Now it is all under one roof with Jumpcloud. As an admin who is constantly putting out small fires, it is a relief that when it comes to managing user identities and machines, I only have one place to go. My hope for Sifted is that as we continue to scale our business, we are able to easily with Jumpcloud. We deploy machines that are tied to user identities and everything just works.
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name: Casey Fowler Title: Systems Administrator Contact information: Company name: Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine Location: Meridian, Idaho What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud? Our institution is only 4 years old, so we had the pleasure of JumpCloud being our first solution. What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to considering JumpCloud? ICOM is a serverless and cloud-based campus. We soon found a need to securely manage password sprawl so that our employees and students didn’t have as many passwords to manage as they had apps to access. We knew that we needed a solution with low overhead for management and something that played well in a modern non-Windows, non-AD, and serverless environment. What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs? We chose JumpCloud because it was an efficient solution to many of the challenges outlined above(and more). We have a support team of five, so we were attracted to JumpCloud’s wide feature set and low overhead of management. Another huge attraction was the ease of managing RADIUS for our Meraki network. Some of the little things included the ease of password reset management for customers. Gone are the days of the helpdesk workload being 65% password resets. Google and Microsoft Cloud Directory integration has helped reduce redundant data entry, which our small team appreciates. We found the support team to be amazing and efficient when we had questions, and the knowledge base articles have been far and away clearer and more effective than much of the competition. Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.? ICOM is Idaho’s first and only medical school. We’re also an Apple Distinguished School, with 700 students and a little over 100 employees. All our students are issued iPad Pro’s and employees are using MacBooks, iMacs, Studios, Minis, and even a Mac Pro thrown in. The only resource on-prem is a lonely print server and a secure NAS. Everything else is in the cloud. I manage our JumpCloud, Cisco Meraki, Jamf Cloud, Google Workspace, Office 365, Webex, Verkada, and many other applications for security and productivity. All computer access is managed by JumpCloud, as is Radius for our WiFi. All of the services mentioned above are SSO apps hosted in JumpCloud. Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win! JumpCloud PowerShell Module has been an absolute monster of a tool with helping me manage and import users/groups in-bulk. Adding groups of users from one account to another, generating specific reports, We’ve integrated our Google and M365 directory to help in the onboarding and provisioning of new employees and students. Resource access is managed via User Management has been incredibly helpful for the times we need to provide specific and secure access to non-affiliate preceptors. We are in the process of expanding our RADIUS reply attributes to better secure our wireless network by being able to direct certain users to specific VLANs based on their group membership. With a heavy reliance on cloud and web apps, we decided to use the JumpCloud User Portal as a centralized ‘Bookmarks and More’. Along with all the SSO apps managed by JC, we added all other relevant web app URLs so that users had a single webpage that contained any and all resources they needed to be productive. What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve Our users have loved the ease of password management and not having to wait on IT to reset their passwords. We’ve gotten positive feedback on the User Portal as well that it is incredibly useful for new students and employees as they familiarize themselves with resource access. The features and Powershell module has saved IT countless hours of data entry. Our goal for our users is to facilitate a seamless flow of information access. The goal for our IT department is to empower users to leverage the modern technology we are providing. We believe the easier the tech is to access, the more likely a user becomes an advocate.
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Stephen Cerruti Technology Manager e3 Civic High, San Diego, CA e3 Civic High is a public charter high school located in downtown San Diego. We are a unique school in that we occupy the 6th and 7th floor of the San Diego Library. We pride ourselves on being a Design Thinking school and we aggressively adapt technology to deliver on our mission to engage, educate, and empower our learning community to be caring, passionate, life-long learners and civic leaders that are prepared for college, workforce, and life. What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud? Although our school only has a current enrollment around 400 with a staff of about 70 we face a surprising number of challenges for a business our size. In addition to the government regulations faced when dealing with youth, schools have seen an increase in the number of cyberattacks over the past year. We have the challenge that our devices are carried and used by teenagers who may not always make the best decisions. JumpCloud for us is serving in the capacity of glueing together our many disparate platforms and providing a single point for identity management and asset assignment. It did not directly replace any systems but has taken on aspects of a variety of systems. What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to considering JumpCloud? We have two very different classes of users, scholars and learning facilitators. (You may associate those with the terms "students" and "teachers". This means we rely on two different sources for personnel, our Student Information System and our Human Resources System (now Bamboo.) In addition we are a Google for Education school. We needed a solution to manage access to a variety of different tools and platforms that would integrate with all of the different systems we use. All of this had to happen with the very limited budget of a small charter high school and had to be highly available so that we did not interfere with our primary mission. What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs? JumpCloud's API provides us the ability to connect all of our systems and keep them in sync. The flexible web interface is useful at our help desk, at my desk or when I am leading a class in one of our studios. The system's ability to allow us to quickly get information about how devices are deployed or to reassign devices as required are necessary as we manage a variety of device roles including one to one devices, studio (classroom) devices, staff only devices and lab devices accessible to all. Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.? Our user base comes from Bamboo for staff and PowerSchool SIS for scholars. In addition we also use Google for Education to support our learning environment as well as provide services to and connectivity with our graduates . We employ Clever, an educational SSO product which then interfaces to many of our integrated Ed Tech products. We control access to licensed products from Apple, MicroSoft and Adobe through JumpCloud based groups. We are currently using Mosyle with Apple School Manager for MDM but are looking to move that to JumpCloud. Additionally we use SnipeIT for asset management and hope that JumpCloud could take over that role in the future as well. Finally we use Munki for our software management and self service portal. We hope that as patch management matures JumpCloud may move into that space or allow us to better manage Munki. We deal with unique software requirements like limitations on internet access, maintaining student privacy and secure testing environments. We currently maintain more than 400 active scholar MacBook Airs, a dozen standby machines for scholars when they forget them at home or forget to charge. Around 100 staff MacBook Air M1 and an equal number of iMacs used as staff machines, classroom computers or as desktops in our Digital Media Arts lab. Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win! Currently we have scripts in place that keep PowerSchool, Google, Bamboo and JumpCloud all in sync. These run each night. Our hope is to simplify both our enrollment and separation processes with the built in connections to Bamboo and with better scripting to remove the 13 step process it takes to separate a scholar in all our systems. With limited staff and laptops 'just breaking' all the time. reducing the management while maintaining or increasing security is a must have. What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve? When a scholar can't participate in a class activity because of a technology issue, they are missing out on learning. This can have compounded effects over time. Our goal is to respond to our user's needs to get them back to their learning environment as quickly as possible. We would like to increase the amount of automation in our IT systems to improve response times, allow for more self service and prevent errors that can lead to issues and security compromises. We want to be able to engage some of our scholars to help our in IT roles so they gain experience in real world systems. In the next year we are facing a complete replacement of our network and phone systems from a third party to self managed system. We would like to see that be able to come only with authenticated WiFi access without an increase in our work effort. We would also like to be using JumpCloud in new ways to reduce the number of different systems we maintain.
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name: David Keith title: Managing Director, Tech Xperience company name: Achievement Network (ANet) location: completely remote
What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud? A bunch of servers including an Active Directory server and an overly complex VPN network. What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to considering JumpCloud? We began using JumpCloud in mid-2016. The idea at the beginning was that JumpCloud would allow us to use our Google passwords to log into our laptops and eventually replace our dependence on Active Directory. This was critical as we grew to support schools in states outside of MA and our staff was more and more remote. What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs? To be honest. At the time, JumpCloud was the only thing doing what we were looking to do with linking Google logins to laptop logins in a completely cloud-based manner. Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.? We are a 200-person nonprofit that is dedicated to the idea that every child deserves an excellent education and the opportunities it provides. As of April 2018, in large part thanks to JumpCloud, we are a completely serverless org. This has allowed us to grow as an org and support schools in more states because we are not tied to complex infrastructure. When the pandemic hit our partnership with JumpCloud over the years, along with our strategic tech planning, had us in a position where moving to a completely remote org was mostly painless from a tech standpoint. Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win! JumpCloud has been an integral part of our laptop setup since we started. The Commands feature has been invaluable in aiding in a quick setup of each laptop. Over time we have leveraged policies as they have evolved to give us better control of our laptops. The addition of System Insights has been a game-changer for us because we can get instant status updates when a user reports an issue. JumpCloud also allowed us to introduce Apple laptops into our environment without creating a separate login experience from the PC users. What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve? JumpCloud has been transformative for both our staff and IT. It has evolved beyond our basic needs in the beginning to be a major piece of how we operate. It has simplified our lives and processes, allowed us to expand while supporting more people with fewer resources, it has consolidated what would take multiple platforms to manage into a single platform thus reducing our spending, and the enhancements to the user interface have increased the usability of JumpCloud and has made it my first stop on laptop questions and issues. Our next step with JumpCloud is to begin to leverage the MDM features with our Apple devices which will allow us to move away from Jamf Now. I look forward to continuing ANet's long partnership with JumpCloud and am very excited to see the continued evolution of the company.
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name: Ricky Jordan title: Senior Computer Systems Admin contact information: (your email address will be in your community profile, so you do not have to list this publicly) company name: Primitive Company location: Los Angeles California
What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud? Strictly Standalone, unmanaged, and manual forward processes
What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to considering JumpCloud? Having a clean foundation was great, which allowed me to shop around for the right solution. We needed to move to a managed and more automated and transparent solution, but many solutions were still on-prem or stuck in a legacy mindset. Then I found Jumpcloud that crossed off all of the items on my wishlist
What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs? Cloud first. Before covid was a household name, we were all in-office. Even though we were all in office, i was thinking forward to possible growth as well as off-premise / remote needs. The cloud is key to powering this vision and Jumpcloud did it well. After test driving the platform and mocking up the workflow and implementation plan, we had fully adopted Jumpcloud before we all went remote during covid
Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.? We are mainly remote now with over 129+ users. We manage about 50% mac computers and 50% windows computers all via Jumpcloud. We are also managing about 40+ additional devices like iOS iPhones and iPads. All of our devices are using either the Jumpcloud agent and/or MDM. We have over 15+ SSO applications in Jumpcloud now too.
Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win! We are using as many of Jumpclouds offerings as possible. We are using MFA via Jumpcloud Protect, we are using Zero Touch with Jumpcloud MDM and Apple Business Manager, we are using the Jumpcloud agent for our windows devices to manage user accounts, software deployment, security policies, and more. We are using Patch management in pair with Jumpcloud commands to keep all of our mac and pc computers up to date as well as push major OS updates like Big Sur over to Monterey on our Mac Fleet. We did over 40 computers in one night via Jumpcloud behind the scenes. We are using Zero Trust via conditional access where we can require more strict security on non trusted devices. We are using the LDAP service which is great. We are using RADIUS for our Wifi and VPN needs on and off-site.
What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve? Jumpcloud used to just be a tool in the toolbox, but now it's turned INTO THE toolbox. Jumpcloud has continued to grow from the day we implemented it. When we started, Jumpcloud was more of an SSO IDP and account/directory tool for us, but after Jumpcloud started adding MDM and device management features, plus MFA and Zero Trust features. It quickly became the foundation for our company. Jumpcloud is growing at a fast pace and is spot on with the features that they are coming out with. All of this aligns perfectly with my vision for the Future at Primitive, and let's us stay on top of cutting edge technology that can further automate, streamline, and secure our environment and make things easier and user friendly for our end users and staff.
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What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud? Prior to JumpCloud, we were using local domain controllers, and our Windows machines were bound to the domain. Our Mac machines were all locally controlled. What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to considering JumpCloud? Since most of our staff typically works off-site or remotely, it didn’t make sense to have a local Active Directory authentication system. If someone had to do a password reset in the field, they’d still have to log into a VPN to get their device on the domain. For Macs, our users could brick a device and be out of luck because we lacked control over device encryption and activation locks. What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs? Ultimately, we were looking for a device management solution that enabled us to manage Mac and Windows machines and offered the ability to make changes remotely and push those changes out to users. We were also looking to improve our security practices so that devices and permissions could be centrally managed from one platform in the cloud. As we began searching for a solution, we saw that most options were either optimized for Macs or for Windows machines. JumpCloud offered coverage for both, which made the decision easy. Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.? We have more than 70 end users with multiple endpoints, including cell phones and laptops. We rely on a highly customized CRM solution that we support and develop, including customized integrations. In addition to on-prem applications, we also use several cloud-based platforms, including integration platforms, email services, e-signature tools, e-generation and document management, file sharing, appraisal and HR applications, client-facing scheduling systems, VoIP phone and video systems, and punch list tools. Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win! We’re using JumpCloud’s Cloud RADIUS feature, which saves us a lot of work from a security perspective because users don’t have to call the help desk to get reconnected with the wireless network when certificates expire. Out of the gate, we implemented SSO for cloud applications and then began converting devices to authenticate using JumpCloud. What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve? JumpCloud has also helped us significantly improve our onboarding processes. For example, when a new user onboards, we order a device, ship it to IT, and IT sets it up. For Windows devices, we use JumpCloud software management for certain apps. Once the agent is installed on a Windows device, it takes over and installs a couple of key apps using the Chocolatey integration. At the same time, JumpCloud has also helped us strengthen our security thanks to multi-factor authentication, improved password management, and device encryption. Looking ahead, we plan on adopting JumpCloud’s Zero Trust model.
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What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud? Prior to JumpCloud, one of our founders was managing devices manually. What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to considering JumpCloud? As our company doubled in size, our founder was managing an ever-growing number of Mac and PC desktops and laptops, network-attached storage (NAS) servers, and other various machines. After a while, he quickly realized he was becoming a full-time IT admin and began looking for a scalable solution to the problem. What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs? Our founder started looking at SSO solutions. But because of our company’s eclectic tech stack, it was difficult to find a tool that would work for all of our devices and machines. Ultimately, he came across JumpCloud, a company he was familiar with since they are headquartered in Colorado just like us. After looking into the company more, he realized JumpCloud could be a single source of truth for the company, and we implemented it. Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.? We have 24 employees who use a mix of Windows, Mac, and Linux machines. We also have NAS servers and other machines, too. Our team uses several applications, including Google Workspace and the Adobe Creative Suite. Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win! We’re using JumpCloud’s Mobile Device Management feature, which gives us control over all of our machines from one screen. We’re also able to enforce strong security policies with JumpCloud using multi-factor authentication. Down the road, we’re planning to implement JumpCloud’s SSO feature so that our team doesn’t have to remember passwords and we can further strengthen our security. What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve? Implementing JumpCloud was a breeze, and we were able to see results immediately. For starters, JumpCloud helped us streamline onboarding and access management. Instead of having to manage devices and add access manually, our founder was able to make a few tweaks in JumpCloud to give users access to the resources they need. Now, new hires walk in, and their machines are ready to go. One of the biggest benefits of JumpCloud has been allowing our founder to reclaim a significant amount of time, which enables him to focus on other important areas of operations. Looking ahead, we plan to continue using JumpCloud to create incredible designs for our clients.
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What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud? We were managing our environment manually before JumpCloud. What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to considering JumpCloud? We were looking for a solution that would enable us to manage LDAP in the cloud and manage access to our VPN to ensure only authorized staff could access our network, applications, and data. What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs? In 2017, there weren’t many solutions on the market that allowed cloud-native companies like ours to manage LDAP in the cloud. So, we did our due diligence and came up with two potential options: Okta and JumpCloud. After determining that Okta was too complicated and expensive, we ultimately decided that JumpCloud’s cloud LDAP service was the perfect fit. Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.? We’re cloud-native, and our staff uses Google Workspace, AWS, and Mac and Windows operating systems. We have more than 100 employees working out of Singapore and Indonesia. Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win! We use JumpCloud to automatically provision new users to Google Workspace. Now, we create an email, load it into BambooHR, and an account automatically appears in JumpCloud. We can then connect that account to a Google Workspace group, and give users access to other applications, like AWS and Similarly, as soon as offboarding data reaches BambooHR, users are automatically suspended in JumpCloud, which then cuts their access off to all other applications. What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve? We’ve improved our access controls, accelerated our onboarding and offboarding processes, and otherwise increased our security with SSO and MFA. Thanks to JumpCloud, we became one of the first cybersecurity companies in Asia to achieve SOC 2 Type 2 certification.
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What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud? Before JumpCloud, we were using Microsoft Active Directory, Azure, and mobile device management for our directory services. What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to considering JumpCloud? We wanted to find a single directory platform that enabled us to manage devices, user profiles, and policies from a single pane of glass. The right solution would unify and simplify identity, access control, and device management across all operating systems. It would also be easy to use. What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs? After struggling with Azure’s limitations and the difficulties of putting end users in Active Directory while using various operating systems and different mobile devices, it was challenging to keep track of all the tools we were using. We researched our options and were fascinated by JumpCloud’s modern cloud directory platform that unifies device and identity management across all types of IT resources, including on-prem, in the cloud, and Windows, Mac, and Linux machines — all from one place. Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.? We have a mix of cloud-based and on-prem resources, and we rely on Windows, Mac, and Linux devices. Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win! Thanks to JumpCloud, we were able to implement a Zero Trust model to secure identities, resource access, and devices with conditional access policies. We are also able to manage all end-user access through group-based authorization while unifying device management. What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve? We were able to get up and running with JumpCloud very quickly and got complete visibility into all of our operating systems, devices, and tools. JumpCloud also helped us accelerate our onboarding process with pre-configured policies, SSO, and LDAP. At the same time, this improves our security and increases employee productivity, since users don’t have to log into several applications. Thanks to JumpCloud’s functionality, we’ve been able to save the cost of a full-time IT hire. And we’re confident that we’ve found a solution that can keep pace as we continue scaling.
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What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud? Before JumpCloud, we lacked a central directory and configured everything via local authentication. What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to considering JumpCloud? We were managing an environment that included an even distribution of Windows, Mac, and Linux machines; 10% of these devices were on-prem, and the rest were in the cloud. Over the course of 20 years, our IT footprint grew organically as new tools came to market, and we didn’t really have a way to manage our devices from one place. Primarily, we were looking for a cloud directory and mobile device management solution. What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs? As we began solving this problem, we considered three options: Active Directory, Okta, and JumpCloud. We quickly decided that moving to AD would have been a massive undertaking, which didn’t make sense. At the same time, we thought that Okta, while suitable for authentication and SSO, didn’t go far enough to meet our needs. Ultimately, we believed that JumpCloud met our needs mostly thoroughly, and we deployed it in January 2018. Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.? We have more than 550 employees, and our environment includes Windows, Mac, and Linux machines, with 10% of these devices living on-prem. Currently, we have more than 60 applications set up with single sign-on through JumpCloud. Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win! We script group membership out of Namely into JumpCloud. That way, when people change departments, they get added to the proper groups and can access the new applications they need while the old groups get dropped off. We also use JumpCloud to encrypt all new laptops, which protects our company against theft and lost devices. JumpCloud is also our go-to solution for SSO and MFA. Additionally, we use commands from JumpCloud to roll out new software across the organization. What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve? JumpCloud has delivered on many fronts. It’s helped us streamline our onboarding experience and strengthen our security stance with encryption, SSO, and MFA — all while helping our IT team get more done (e.g., by replacing cron jobs with commands and accelerating application deployment). Plus, since we already had it in place before the pandemic, JumpCloud enabled us to smoothly transition to remote work. With JumpCloud, we have a future-proof solution that can keep pace with our growth, and we’re excited to try all new features. Most recently, we started with patch management and conditional access. Up next, we’re looking at zero-touch deployment.
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What solution (if any) were you using before JumpCloud? Article was forced to rapidly transition to remote work because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We quickly realized that we weren’t remote-ready and lacked the tools we needed to monitor our devices in a work-from-home environment. What was the challenge your company was facing that led you to considering JumpCloud? We needed the ability to protect access, data, and customer information in a remote environment. At the same time, we were still growing and needed to manage end-user devices and identities while improving security before we scaled even more. What made you choose JumpCloud as the solution to your needs? At first, we considered using multiple tools, including Azure Active Directory, to manage our Windows, Mac, and Linux devices. But we quickly realized that we didn’t want to introduce several tools if we didn’t have to, particularly since we’d be missing features like IdP and security. So, we began looking for a solution that would enable us to manage identity, access, and devices from a single pane of glass, and that’s when we found JumpCloud. Could you tell us about your company’s environment? How many users? What resources do you manage, including devices + cloud/on-prem infrastructure + applications, etc.? We have a heterogeneous environment that includes Mac, Windows, and Linux devices. Our team relies on several different tools, including Google, Slack, Zoom, and Freshdesk. We use JumpCloud to manage more than 700 devices all over the world. Please also list any integrations, features, commands, policies, and anything else you’re using. Now’s your chance to tell us how awesome your project is and why it should win! In addition to mobile device management, we use JumpCloud for password management, operating system updates, single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), onboarding, and more. We’ve also used it to brick a laptop that was stolen from one of our employees. Down the road, we plan to implement Zero Trust Security and zero-touch onboarding. Basically, whatever feature JumpCloud offers, we’re using or considering using. What are some results you’ve seen since implementing JumpCloud? What do you hope to achieve? JumpCloud gives us a reliable tool for managing devices for our remote team. It’s also helped us increase security, improve compliance as we aim to achieve SOC 2 Type 2 certification, and accelerate onboarding. Plus, our team’s productivity has increased by ensuring software and operating system updates don’t roll out prematurely, causing interoperability issues. Last but not least, we’re able to take a proactive stance on IT. For example, if a password is locked, we’ll get notified and can immediately reach out to users and ask if they need a reset. Looking ahead, we hope to further improve security and compliance and empower our users even more.
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