12-08-2022 03:22 AM - edited 09-25-2023 01:58 AM
Last time I wrote a pwsh script for grouping the systems based on its geo location, in order to give our Python SDK a go, I ported the whole thing in Python 😃.
First thing first
pip3 install /Path/to/repo/jcapi-python-latest/jcapiv1
pip3 install /Path/to/repo/jcapi-python-latest/jcapiv2
Here is the code
import jcapiv1,jcapiv2,requests,json,datetime,os
from jcapiv1.rest import ApiException
from jcapiv2.rest import ApiException
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
apiKey = 'your-jc-api-key'
backTrackDays = 1 # Recommended interval
# Setting V1 api config
config_V1 = jcapiv1.Configuration()
config_V1.api_key['x-api-key'] = apiKey
# Setting V2 api config
config_V2 = jcapiv2.Configuration()
config_V2.api_key['x-api-key'] = apiKey
# Getting the API instances ready
jcSystemApiInstance = jcapiv1.SystemsApi(jcapiv1.ApiClient(config_V1))
jcSysGroupApiInstance = jcapiv2.SystemGroupsApi(jcapiv2.ApiClient(config_V2))
def getGeoFromIP(IP):
url = "http://ip-api.com/json/" + IP
r = requests.get(url)
return r.json()
def anchorDate (backTrackDays):
# Using UTC by default
now = datetime.utcnow()
backDate = datetime.date(now - timedelta(days=backTrackDays))
return backDate
# Search if any new systems created since the backTrackDays
backDate = anchorDate(backTrackDays)
systemFilter = f"created:$gt:{backDate}"
jcSystems = jcSystemApiInstance.systems_list(filter=systemFilter).to_dict()['results']
# Add the new systems to the geo orientated group according to remote IP
if [] != jcSystems:
for system in jcSystems:
geoLocale = getGeoFromIP(system['remote_ip'])
sysGroupName = geoLocale['country'] + "_" + system['os_family']
# Check if the sys group exists
filter = [f"name:eq:{sysGroupName}"]
jcSysGroup = jcSysGroupApiInstance.groups_system_list(filter=filter)
addSysGroupMemberBody = {
# If the sys group is not created:
# Add the system to the group
if [] == jcSysGroup:
## Create the group
createSysGroupBody = {'name':sysGroupName}
newGroup = jcSysGroupApiInstance.groups_system_post(body=createSysGroupBody)
print(f"Sys Group {newGroup.name} created!")
except ApiException as error:
print(f"Error: {error}")
## Add the system to the group
addSysGroupMember = jcSysGroupApiInstance.graph_system_group_members_post(group_id=newGroup.id,body=addSysGroupMemberBody)
print(f"System {system['hostname']} added to group {newGroup.name}!")
except ApiException as error:
print(f"Error: {error}")
jcsysGroupMember = jcSysGroupApiInstance.graph_system_group_members_post(group_id=jcSysGroup[0].id,body=addSysGroupMemberBody)
print(f"System {system['hostname']} added to group {jcSysGroup[0].name}!")
except ApiException as error:
print(f"System {system['hostname']} Already Exists in {jcSysGroup[0].name} group!")
print(f"Phew! No systems has been create for the past {backTrackDays} days, take a day off!")
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