05-12-2023 05:16 AM - edited 05-12-2023 05:17 AM
Hey folks,
It's been a while and finally I got a little breathing room to share my Friday joy (again) 😁.
Kiosk Mode on Windows - on a large scale? and you looking for a way to do it without paying for Intune?
This post will get you covered, please read on.
I will be focusing mainly for Single App Kiosk mode this time - since it's the most popular use case among the others (like, multi-app Kiosk mode, for another day 😉).
Now you have set up the foundation, let's dive into the "easy part".
# An example to set Calculator as the Kiosk App.
$KioskUser = "kiosk.johnny” # Use your Kiosk username here.
$KioskApp = "Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App"
Set-AssignedAccess -AppUserModelId $KioskApp -UserName $KioskUser
This option probably will be the most popular one - technically, you can setup Kiosk mode for any application. I will use Slack as the demoing example here.
First, use a Windows machine to install Window Configuration Designer aka Windows IDC:
Now, let's create a custom PPKG:
Install-ProvisioningPackage -QuietInstall -ForceInstall -PackagePath "C:\Windows\Temp\Slack.ppkg"
Remove-ProvisioningPackage 28ea1c67-c4cf-410b-91c3-61939fced606
Thanks for reading, happy Friday! 😎
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