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Remote Assist - Usage & Frequency

Rising Star I
Rising Star I

Hi there!

For those of you who are interested in or are currently using a remote assist solution, Iā€™m curious and interested to find out:

  1. When would/do you use remote assist? (Eg, Onboarding a new hire, troubleshooting desktop problems, etc.)
  2. How often would/do you use remote assist? Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. 

Appreciate any feedback/thoughts/comments you might have!


Rising Star I
Rising Star I

Latest update:
Hi everyone! 
I'm happy to share that Early Access (EA) for Remote Assist is now open!

If you have previously mentioned that you are interested to join the EA program, you should have either receive an email from your Account Manager or the Product Manager of Remote Assist. If that is not the case or you want to sign up now to join the EA, please email  For new sign-ups, we will need your Company Name and Organization ID to kickstart the process.

Also, looking for a few volunteers to test drive remote assist's user interface. If you are interested, please reply to my co-worker @Rylo so that we can set up time with you.


Novitiate II
  1. When would/do you use remote assist? (Eg, Onboarding a new hire, troubleshooting desktop problems, etc.

used as needed for new computer deployment/setup, remote assistance, installing software/updates, troubleshooting, running one-off console commands

  1. How often would/do you use remote assist? Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. 

Remote tools are used constantly throughout the day.


Feature/function Wishlist: ( I know many of these are mentioned by others already but this serves to reinforce their importance)

  1. A live, remote console to execute commands as an admin without user consent/awareness (cmd/Powershell). I know this can be done already via the commands function but it's often needed to run one-off commands in a live console without having to go through the process of creating a command, binding it and then running it.
  2. needs to be able to interact with UAC prompts so we can remotely install/update software for users. again, this can be partially done via commands and software management but sometimes you need to edit network settings or device manager or something else that requires admin
  3. an easy way to toggle between multiple monitors or view all of them at once. we're admins and tech people, we generally have good hardware (ultrawide monitors) and can support viewing of all of a remote client's screens at once. much easier for us to work.
  4. a chat function. this is needed incase we're troubleshooting the existing chat app and they don't have a mobile phone. Also, a way to Blink/flash the chat screen to draw focus.
  5. clipboard sync with options. we should be able to choose the type of clipboard interaction. eg: full 2 way sync, single direction or off. closing of the remote session should clear the clipboard on the remote side as this often will contain passwords or serial numbers 
  6. options for levels of access: eg full silent unattended, silent console, view only, request consent etc.  I saw in the demo that remote control needs to be granted after connection, sometimes we need to be able to barge in and take over a system immediately. we should also have control of who has this ability, perhaps these can be tied to the user admin level  in JC.
  7. File transfer: push or pull files from the system either via a file picker or by copy/paste.
  8. Must be able to persist through a reboot.
  9. Saw in some other comments that there's an install and conset process. I hope this can be done ahead of time during the computer setup process. can it be installed as an admin for use as the current user or does it have to be installed for each user, as the user)
  10. Mobile device support: not sure how this will be handled as they won't be in Jumpcloud. it is mildly infuriating to guide someome to configure their mobile phone when something has gone wrong on it. perhaps this aludes to an adhoc running of remote assist for devices that aren't in JC? maybe via a URL that's in their JC user? or part of the JC console? some of our users do not have computers (field workers) and operate off mobile phones or tablets exclusively.
  11. Some sort of network latency monitor. I think it's fine that it automatically manages the quality of the connection when latency gets high but it is helpful to see the latency live so that I can tell if the connection is lagged out or if the computer is having a hard time. I love the tool here for measuring that.
  12. a screenshot preview/thumbnail? sometimes it's nice to know if the machine is sitting at the login screen or if someone is in the middle of a video meeting even though they said it's ok to remote on. (I don't know why they do this....)

Anyway, thanks for doing this remote assist work! it's one of the last remaining things that keeps another RMM tool around that JC can't do. and if this can provide a suitable replacement then the tool stack gets smaller and hopefully we can reduce our per user/device costs by getting rid of the other tools.

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