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Reminder about Betas and JumpCloud

JumpCloud Alumni
JumpCloud Alumni

Just a friendly reminder from JumpCloud to our community of customers and users: we do not support running JumpCloud running on devices with beta operating systems. We are happy to get your reports of problems -- we've got our own testing going now! -- but we cannot support the operation of production devices with beta operating systems. Test at your own risk.



JumpCloud Alumni
JumpCloud Alumni

If you should happen to have a problem upgrading to macOS 14 Sonoma, and hit a place where you get a black screen at the login window, here's how to help yourself out:

  1. SSH into the device as an admin user.
  2. `sudo su`
  3. `security authorizationdb read system.login.console > /tmp/login.xml`
  4. `nano /tmp/login.xml`
  5. replace the line `<string>jumpcloud-login:invoke</string>` with `<string>loginwindow:login</string>`
  6. `security authorizationdb write system.login.console < /tmp/login.xml`
  7. `killall loginwindow`

This will return the authorizationdb to using Sonoma's native login experience for testing purposes. Please note that users will authenticate locally during that time, and no JumpCloud loginwindow experience will show, including MFA options. 

Hi there. I had this problem but I had already attempted to remove the device from JumpCloud before finding this article and ending up needing to wipe my Mac.

Anyway, I'm wondering if you could let us know when it will be supported so I know when I can reinstall the agent?

Many thanks,


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