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Making the Most of Cybersecurity Awareness Month

JumpCloud Employee
JumpCloud Employee

Hello MSP Community!

I'll forgo the cheeky intro and just say go check out my post from last week if you haven't had the chance 🙂 it's ok, I'll wait...It's October, and you know what that means... Cybersecurity Awareness Month!! 

OK, you're back? Good! In the spirit of spreading awareness I wanted to take a moment to share the wonderful resources that the good people over at CISA have put together for this month. If you aren't super familiar with what CISA is working on, here's their list:

  • A PDF guide to Cybersecurity Awareness Month
  • Sample social media posts and graphics. Don’t forget to use #SecureOurWorld and #CybersecurityAwarenessMonth in all your Cybersecurity Awareness Month related posts!
  • Branded virtual backgrounds you can use during conference calls and a branded email signature graphic
  • An infographic to educate you and your community on the 4 simple steps to stay safe online
  • A 101 presentation you can use to educate others about Cybersecurity Awareness Month and a branded PPT template you can use to create your own presentations
  • Tip sheets on how to raise digital citizens, how to report cybercrime and how to stay safe online when using AI
  • Test your cybersecurity knowledge with fun puzzles
  • Printable posters to hang around your workplace or school

The reason I want to highlight this list in this channel is not because I believe you, the MSP, are lacking in the fundamentals of good, secure online behavior. That's not to say there aren't good tips contained within that we can all benefit from (there are!); rather, I want to highlight that the contents of this resource library provide you with the perfect resources to have a productive, supportive, and informative discussion with your clients about security best practices. 

Whether or not security services are part of your offering, your clients are looking to you for guidance and leadership when it comes to all things technical. In our latest SME IT Trends report, 56% of respondents stated that using an MSP had resulted in better security for their organization. Nice work guys!

However, in that same survey almost 40% stated they have concerns about how MSPs manage security, even though security is the number one driver for SMEs to use MSPs overall. What does that say about how clients might perceive your work?

The net-net is that the topic of security is a HUGE opportunity for any MSP to deepen the trust your clients have in you, be it through the delivery of good security services or as a thought leader in the vast technology space. The resources provided by CISA are meant to do the latter; help you help your clients be safe online and carry on the same security best practices you do.

There's still more than half the month left to get a short meeting scheduled and to educate! When you have your meeting (or if you already have!) come back and post your experience in the comments section below... maybe we can all learn a thing or two about learning 🙂

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