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MTP with Get-JCSystemApp

JumpCloud Employee
JumpCloud Employee

This script enables MTP admins to search for 'x' software name and 'y' version on all orgs the MTP admin administers.


1. Edit line 2, $MtpAdminApiKey with your admin API key

2. Edit line 3, $csvPath with the path or folder you want the CSV to be saved in

2. In line 23, modify the Get-JCSystemApp with your desired search parameters ex.

  • Search for Google Chrome across all orgs: 
    $orgApps = Get-JCSystemApp -name "Google Chrome" -search | Select-Object -Property SystemId, name, Version, BundleVersion​
  • Search for a specific Firefox version across all orgs: 
    $orgApps = Get-JCSystemApp -name "Firefox" -version "110.0.1" -search | Select-Object -Property SystemId, name, Version, BundleVersion​
  • Search for all installed apps on Windows devices across all orgs:
    $orgApps = Get-JCSystemApp -systemOs "Windows" -search | Select-Object -Property SystemId, name, Version, BundleVersion​



###### Modify MTPAdminKey and CSVPath ######
$csvPath = "~/Documents/CSV/mtp_script.csv"

$env:JCApiKey = $MtpAdminApiKey;
$env:JCOrgId = "a";

# Get all MTP orgs
$orgId = Get-JcSdkOrganization | Select-Object -Property Id

# Connect to each org and get the list of apps installed on each system
$orgId | ForEach-Object {
    $organizationId = $
    Connect-JCOnline -JumpCloudApiKey $MtpAdminApiKey -JumpCloudOrgId $organizationId -force

    $systemsInsightsOrg = Get-JcSdkOrganization -id $organizationId
    # Check if System Insights is enabled for the org
    if ($systemsInsightsOrg.Settings.SystemInsightEnabled -eq $false) {
        # output with color yellow
        Write-Host "System Insights is not enabled for the orgId: $($systemsInsightsOrg.DisplayName)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    } else {
        ###### Modify Get-JCSystemApp with desired parameters ######
        $orgApps = Get-JCSystemApp | Select-Object -Property SystemId, name, Version, BundleVersion

        # Add orgId to the output
        $orgApps | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "OrgName" -Value $systemsInsightsOrg.DisplayName

        # Save the output to a csv file
        Write-Host "Exporting apps for org: $organizationId to mtp_script.csv"
        $orgApps | Export-Csv -Path $csvPath -append -NoTypeInformation # Appends to the csv file for each org


 For more information about Get-JCSystemApp, please head to this community post 

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