05-17-2024 01:34 PM
I assure you, whatever the topic is, this is OFF that topic. 😉
In the chat on The IT Hour recently, the subject of movies came up. Mostly in the context of "If you watch these movies from the 80s @urvashi, your coworkers will make a lot more sense." I said I'd post a list, and hopefully either Urvashi or @Anonymous can find the ones mentioned in the live chat. I'll post a few here that I think came up in conversation.
I believe this was to be an exchange, where Urvashi also recommends films for the uncultured heathens who have little to no experience with films from outside North America.
Disclaimers: This is my own list of films I adore that I enjoy sharing with other people. It is in no particular order, I just started with the ones I think we name checked and went from there.
Honorable mentions because I decided 15 movies was a long list but I wasn't quite done:
* I figure most people have seen these by now, but if you haven't and you're only going to watch one film from the series, this is the one to watch.
** I love this movie so much and most people haven't heard of it. I talk about it kind of a lot.
05-20-2024 10:58 AM
Yay thank you!! I shall report back to this thread after watching each movie!
My list of Indian movie recommendations are at the end of the show notes here: https://community.jumpcloud.com/t5/the-it-hour/it-hour-9-february-2024-it-in-the-news/m-p/4081
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