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New JumpCloud User

Novitiate I

My team and I have been using Jumpcloud for a little bit. So far, so good. I'm a definite fan! 

My question is: What would you suggest as something that we lean into in order to maximize the experience for mac users in a hybrid windows active directory environment? 

Granted, it's a fairly open-ended, daresay nebulous question but all answers and input are accepted. Feel free to fire away with suggestions and traps to avoid or anything that comes to mind. 



JumpCloud Alumni
JumpCloud Alumni

That is indeed an open-ended question. I think that the most benefit for mac users is that they don't need to bind to an AD environment. That's usually always a bit of a fun experience dealing with mobile profiles. Having one MFA application that can handle authentication to all devices is another huge plus. 

I guess the best way to answer this would be what is your idea of the perfect workflow for your co-workers and organization? That might help with identifying a bit of a baseline to identify some key fun factors ๐Ÿ™‚

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