05-06-2022 07:13 PM
My team and I have been using Jumpcloud for a little bit. So far, so good. I'm a definite fan!
My question is: What would you suggest as something that we lean into in order to maximize the experience for mac users in a hybrid windows active directory environment?
Granted, it's a fairly open-ended, daresay nebulous question but all answers and input are accepted. Feel free to fire away with suggestions and traps to avoid or anything that comes to mind.
05-09-2022 09:56 AM
That is indeed an open-ended question. I think that the most benefit for mac users is that they don't need to bind to an AD environment. That's usually always a bit of a fun experience dealing with mobile profiles. Having one MFA application that can handle authentication to all devices is another huge plus.
I guess the best way to answer this would be what is your idea of the perfect workflow for your co-workers and organization? That might help with identifying a bit of a baseline to identify some key fun factors 🙂
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