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Break Fix to MSP 4 - Pricing

Rising Star III
Rising Star III

4. Pricing Your Services

So, youโ€™ve decided youโ€™re going to launch your MSP - this is great news of course, but now you need to begin to consider how you will price your services. 

In the world of break-fix, this was a fairly straightforward proposition, you just pick an hourly rate for your services and charge accordingly. In a fixed fee environment itโ€™s a little harder. 

Per User, Per Device, Per Anything?

This is a big decision to make. A lot of MSPs now charge on a per user basis and to be honest itโ€™s my preferred approach. Pricing per device can get complicated when services move to the cloud and end users generally know how many staff they have so itโ€™s an easy calculation. A lot of the other services you will purchase for the support of the client will no doubt be per user. So, if you want my opinion, thatโ€™s what I would do - but itโ€™s totally your choice of course. 


Another decision that will need to be made is around bundling and if you want to do it or not. In my experience most MSPs bundle some products into their standard offering and some offer them on a good, better, best style matrix. 

For example :


A Precious Metal

A Slightly More Precious Metal

A very expensive Metal

Service Desk Support (9-5)

Service Desk Support (9-5)

Service Desk Support (24/7)

On Site Escalation

On Site Escalation

On Site Escalation


Managed Antivirus

Managed Antivirus


Email Content Filtering

Email Content Filtering



Web Content Filtering


Quarterly Review Meeting




They are usually named in such a way, but there is no reason to, so be creative. The basic idea is to show that they get better the further up the scale. 

Once you have your package(s) in place itโ€™s a matter of adding up the costs of all the items and then this will become the core cost of delivering the service.

Do Your Research

When you have your cost itโ€™s time to consider how much you will charge. At this point itโ€™s time to look at the competition. Lots of MSPs donโ€™t externally publish their prices so itโ€™s not always easy to get an idea, but itโ€™s worth looking around to see what you can find. There are also some great MSP research papers that show pricing in different countries.

So, once you have your pricing model in place itโ€™s time to talk about your clients. How do you find new clients and how can you get existing clients onto the new MSP packages.




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