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Break Fix to MSP 7 - Additional Revenue Sources

Rising Star III
Rising Star III

Hi Everyone,

Today I thought we would take a look at the additional revenue opportunities that may present themselves. Selling your monthly recurring service is great, but what else can you add to your offering. A few simple ideas are below and these can be part of your standard stack, premium offering or standalone products.

Advanced Endpoint Protection

You will no doubt have a basic endpoint protection solution in your stack, maybe something we used to call Anti-Virus, but there are more advanced solutions you can position to help keep the client safe and be more proactive in remediating issues before you even need to get involved.

Dark Web Scanning

The dark web is becoming better known outside of IT circles and lots of MSPs now offer dark web scanning as part of their portfolio. This is where you can set up a service to monitor the dark web and alert if credentials are compromised. End user clients love the peace of mind this gives them.

Password & 2FA Management

This is on the cusp of being an almost mandatory part of the stack MSPs offer. Some now insist all clients have it, some offer it as an option. However, with the average user being expected to remember around 100 passwords, and for them to be complex and unique, itโ€™s really important that a password manager is used. (Plug: JumpCloud have one that is designed for MSPs)

Enhanced Email Security

Most email suppliers will have basic spam filtering built in that is designed to stop the bad emails getting through. This is to prevent phishing attacks. These can be good, but you can also offer better services for your clients to give them additional peace of mind.

Web Content Filtering / DNS Filtering

As with many of the value add solutions listed, this is actually in your interest to do in more ways than one. Firstly it will help generate valuable recurring revenue, but it will also help keep your customers safe and reduce the demand on your service desk.

Telephony / Conference Solutions

Do you provide telephony services to your clients? If not you may be leaving cash on the table. Itโ€™s become far simpler to offer these services with hosted services in recent years. It is also a very sticky solution that will hopefully enable you to retain your clients.

Thatโ€™s it for now? Do you have additional services you offer? If so, let me know in the community.

Have a great weekend,


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