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Break Fix to MSP 1 - So, you want to be an MSP?

Rising Star III
Rising Star III

1. So, you want to be an MSP?

You’ve made the first step, you want to become an MSP or maybe you are doing some MSP activities but want to check you’re on the right road to success. I am thrilled to have you here, and hopefully we can go on a journey together. 

I think it’s important before we begin that we get a few things out of the way. 

Who is this guy?


This is a great question, well my name is Chris Tate and I am the Principal Strategist - MSP at JumpCloud. However, that doesn’t matter today, we are here because of my previous experience. I was once like you, I joined a successful Break-Fix organization in the UK and transformed it into what we now call an MSP. Some of the tools I used back then are no longer available and luckily things are a little easier now, but I’ve walked the walk and hopefully that means I can talk the talk. 

I’ve also spent many years working with MSPs all around the world, looking at what they do and what makes them successful. Hopefully this insight will prove to be useful to you.

What is an MSP?

This is perhaps something we need to agree on before we get started. There is clearly no standard definition (that I can find at least) so let’s go with this that I found from the Datto website

“An MSP is a managed service provider, which is the name used to describe companies that offer outsourced IT services to other organizations”

Well, that is very vague isn’t it? What I would add to that is they provide those IT services for a fixed fee. This can be based on the size of the company, the number or users or number of devices, but it is fixed. 

This means that issues that arise at the clients sites are resolved by the MSP without (usually) charging an additional fee. 

The key to the MSP model is that a lot of the risk is transferred from the client to the MSP. This is in contrast to the older, break-fix model, which is where the risk is more with the client. 

Where do you fit into that? You might have realized already that you’re an MSP and can now make a cup of tea instead of reading the rest of this. I hope not though. 

So, that’s what we are aiming at - The purpose of this guide is to take you from where you are now to becoming an MSP.

So, What’s Next?

Over the course of the next few posts we will go through what I believe are some key stages in becoming an MSP. I’d love your feedback - We are among friends here to use the comments to add anything you think is relevant and we can chat there. 

Hopefully you are all set for the journey - See you for Part Two next Friday. 



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