JumpCloud Employee
JumpCloud Employee

The best way to optimize your free trial is to fully test out all the features and capabilities you’re interested in. This is best done in a development environment, where you can play around without committing any actions or changes to your actual business environment. If you don’t have a spare device to act as your demo device, this is best accomplished by establishing a virtual machine (VM). 

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of VM downloads for the operating systems and distributions JumpCloud supports. Ubuntu and other Linux distributions are popular choices for VMs because they’re easy to set up and free, but JumpCloud can support a wide variety of OSes and distros for Apple, Windows, and Linux devices (see the full list of the operating systems JumpCloud supports here). We’ve provided VM options for all of them here.

VM Download Resources

The following is a list of VM downloads for the various operating systems and distros supported by JumpCloud. Of course, there are many sources where you can download VMs for different operating systems (Oracle, for example, has an additional list of VM downloads you may find helpful). These are just compiled for your convenience; feel free to use alternatives to what’s listed here if you prefer.

Linux VM Downloads:

JumpCloud supports all of the following Linux distributions. Each is linked to one or two VM download options.


JumpCloud supports Windows 10 and 11. Microsoft offers a VM image for Windows 11 here


Installing macOS on a virtual machine involves a macOS restore image: get the instructions and downloads you’ll need here. Alternatively, you could use Parallels to run a macOS VM on an Apple machine.

Tools for Running VMs

If you don’t have a tool for running your VM, here are a few popular options to consider (but feel free to use an alternative if you prefer): 

  • VirtualBox: VirtualBox is a great starting point. It’s free and robust: you can run Mac, Windows, and Linux VMs from a Mac, Windows, or Linux device.  
  • Parallels: Run a Windows or macOS VM on an Apple computer. It’s paid, but it does offer a 14-day free trial. 
  • VMware Fusion: Run a Windows VM on a Mac. This one is also paid, but it offers a 30-day free trial.
  • AWS: With AWS, you can use an existing Amazon Machine Image (AMI) or create your own.
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