06-13-2022 12:28 PM
This script assumes you are using Tenable IO to manage your nessus agents deployed to endpoints, and you are curl'ing your nessus .dmg file from a Google drive folder that is publicly accessible. Modify as needed, then configure as a Command that runs as root.
# Install script for Tenable agent for Mac. Assumes the .dmg file is publicly shared in a Gdrive folder. Set vars for the unique FILEID below.
# Tested with NessusAgent-10.1.3.dmg and MacOS 12.3/12.4
# *NOTE* this template is only designed to work with DMG files and does not support .pkg, .zip files or DMGs that contain .pkg installers.
# Run as root in JumpCloud
# VARS - Edit as necessary
export FILEID=xxxxxxx
export FILENAME=tenable.dmg
export DOMAIN=acme.com
export DEVICE_GROUP=mac_hosts
# Create Temp Folder
DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
mkdir /tmp/$TempFolder
# Navigate to Temp Folder
cd /tmp/$TempFolder
# Download tenable binary from Gdrive folder. Must use a publicly shared link, and you need the fieldid from it.
# See this URL for how to get the fileid value: https://bytesbin.com/how-to-download-a-large-file-from-google-drive-quickly
curl -L -c cookies.txt 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id='$FILEID | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1/p' > confirm.txt
curl -L -b cookies.txt -o $FILENAME 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id='$FILEID'&confirm='$(<confirm.txt)
rm -f confirm.txt cookies.txt
# Capture name of Download File
echo "Downloaded $DownloadFile to /tmp/$TempFolder"
# Verifies DMG File
if [[ $DownloadFile =~ $regex ]]; then
DMGFile="$(echo "$DownloadFile")"
echo "DMG File Found: $DMGFile"
echo "File: $DownloadFile is not a DMG"
rm -r /tmp/$TempFolder
echo "Deleted /tmp/$TempFolder"
exit 1
# Mount DMG File -nobrowse prevents the volume from popping up in Finder
hdiutilAttach=$(hdiutil attach /tmp/$TempFolder/$DMGFile -nobrowse)
echo "Used hdiutil to mount $DMGFile "
if [ ${err} -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Could not mount $DMGFile Error: ${err}"
rm -r /tmp/$TempFolder
echo "Deleted /tmp/$TempFolder"
exit 1
if [[ $hdiutilAttach =~ $regex ]]; then
echo "Located DMG Volume: $DMGVolume"
echo "DMG Volume not found"
rm -r /tmp/$TempFolder
echo "Deleted /tmp/$TempFolder"
exit 1
# Identify the mount point for the DMG file
DMGMountPoint="$(hdiutil info | grep "$DMGVolume" | awk '{ print $1 }')"
echo "Located DMG Mount Point: $DMGMountPoint"
# cd to directory where .pkg file is mounted to from the .dmg (which has spaces, so need to escape and hardcode)
cd /Volumes/Nessus\ Agent\ Install
# Now install the agent
installer -pkg /Volumes/Nessus\ Agent\ Install/Install\ Nessus\ Agent.pkg -target /Applications
# Create user name var for enrolling nessus agent in Tenable IO
HOSTID=$(hostname | sed 's/ /_/g' | sed 's/\.local//g')
echo "Host ID is: $HOSTID"
# Enroll agent to Tenable.IO
# Assumes you have a device group (e.g. mac_hosts), a host value (e.g. acme.com), and a tenable linking key.
/Library/NessusAgent/run/sbin/nessuscli agent link --key=$TENABLE_LINKING_KEY --host=$DOMAIN --groups=$DEVICE_GROUP --name=$HOSTID --cloud
# Unmount the DMG file
hdiutil detach $DMGMountPoint
# Remove Temp Folder and download
rm -r /tmp/$TempFolder
echo "Deleted /tmp/$TempFolder"
06-14-2022 01:50 PM
This is awesome. Would love to see this as a tutorial or something to show the full process. I have never used tenable personally, so mainly out of my own curiosity 🙂
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