We have a few updates for y'all.
Last week on the IT Hour 10.June.2022 we announced a new Repo category that is going to house community-submitted scripts. Thanks to your requests AND all the great scripts you've already submitted—we heard you and created the space for them. We also moved scripts over there so they are all in one spot. Labels are in place for you to use, but you can add your own. Just navigate on up to the top menu between Career and Community News. 🎤

And more fun is coming soon with a new badge for Core Certifications. That's right! If you're JumpCloud Core Certified, we have a badge for you! Now, it'll take some time to match y'all up, because we know that not everyone signed up with their work emails. And that's cool. We'll match up who we can and then ask you to raise your hand if you're certified but used an alternate email and once we can verify, we'll take care of you. I bet you'd like a preview though. I aim to please!

Ain't it purdy? (That's my midwesterner sneaking out a bit.)
These will have to be added manually so we'll probably only give them out once a month or so, but we'll work on coordinating that with the JumpCloud University team and let you know.
One last thing...we're really loving the Jumpies entries and voting is now open so make sure you go vote for your favorites before end of day Wednesday (June 15th)!