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Password Manager vs. Password Vault

JumpCloud Alumni
JumpCloud Alumni

Quick question time: When you hear the wording Password Manager is it used fairly interchangeably with Password Vault? Do those two terms equate to be the same in your mind; or does Manager seem different from Vault?




Rising Star III
Rising Star III

In my eyes they are interchangeable. I guess a vault is where they are stored and the manager is around the access controls/sharing controls etc. I personally use Password Manager as my go-to phrase.

Novitiate III

They're not interchangeable at all! A password manager is the app used to record/mantain the passwords you have. Within said manager, you have vaults which work like folders to organize by client or department (for example). 

From a support perspective it makes a dramatic difference whether or not someone is having issues with a vault (one small piece of the app) or a manager (the entire app). 


Former Password Manager Support Technician

Novitiate I

I think "Password Manager" and "Password Vault" can be used interchangeably in a lot of cases, but I do see a slight difference. A "Password Manager" seems to suggest something that not only stores passwords but also helps you organize and fill them in automatically, while a "Vault" feels more like a secure storage space for your passwords. At least, that's how I think of it.

For example, I use to back up my master passphrase securely. It’s like a vault for all my important credentials, and it makes me feel comfortable knowing my passwords are stored safely and backed up in case I need them.

Novitiate II

While often used interchangeably, "Password Manager" feels more active, implying management and organization, while "Password Vault" suggests secure storage. Subtle difference, but they’re largely similar in purpose.