I have been considering this solution since I have used Halp in the past. Curious how you intake new user/equipment requests? Halp Forms? Jira Forms? Other?
We use VaultMe (business offering) to do Google to Google and O365 to Google migrations. We use GWS but I think this could be applied to O365. When we need to archive account we have an archive@domain.com account and VaultMe will migrate an entire ac...
I interested in this conversation. We recently started using FreshService and it is a little too rigid for my liking. Would like to switch to Jira Service Desk because we use Jira Software and Confluence at my company but configuration is a complete ...
1) When would/do you use remote assist?Primarily for support but we also use it for training and anytime it is easier to navigate for the user rather than trying to guide them. 2) How often would/do you use remote assist? Daily, weekly, monthly, quar...