06-21-2022 06:16 PM
Have you taken a look at our SME IT Trends Report yet? We talked about some highlights on the IT Hour last Friday, but there's a lot more to discover in the report. Here's some info from the introduction:
Because of IT admins’ vital function and unquestionable value to the SMEs in which they work, JumpCloud commissions this ongoing research to gain essential insight into their day-to-day challenges, opportunities, and experiences.
This Q2 2022 edition reveals:
• The complex landscape of responsibilities and solutions required to secure and enable hybrid work models
• How teams are adapting in a time of rising security threats
• What the new reality of hybrid work requires to protect user identity everywhere
• The contingencies IT teams are planning for in face of the known unknown
• The technologies and best practices teams are advocating for within their organization
Did you know that 60.4% of IT admins reported being happier in their job than a year ago versus 56.5% reporting the same in
2021? But 59.4% are feeling overwhelmed in relation to their job and responsibilities.
How IT admins feel in relation to their responsibilities and expectations
Let's check in for a moment—how are you feeling in relation to your job & responsibilities? What do you do when you're feeling overwhelmed?
There's a lot more to the report that maybe I'll break down in a few more posts. In the meantime, if you want to read the full report (it's free!) you can download it here: SME IT Trends 2022
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