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Policies - Where can we do Better and What are your Must-have

Rising Star I
Rising Star I

Hi there!

Many (if not all) of you are using JumpCloud policies to manage your devices. I’m curious to find out:
1. What type/category of policies that you like to see more of?
It could be policies that we either don’t currently provide or need to further improve upon.

2. Any specific policies that you need to have and why? 
This could be JumpCloud policies that you are already using which have become your daily necessity. Or policies that JumpCloud doesn’t offer but you see a need for them.

Here's a list of JumpCloud policies for reference:

Appreciate any feedback/thoughts/comments you might have!

Also, tagging some of you here as I would love to hear your thoughts (if you have them) on this topic: 
@NVergin @CFaust @kelly @rlyons  @lmcfadden @archery1998@TRK   @jaggrey





Rising Star III

First, one that exists, but could use some enhancement:


- Allow Users to approve Screen Sharing & Recording
Allow custom form to add more applications than listed. Yes, we'll have to look it up, but at least we can leverage your already built profile without having to resort to PPPC and creating another custom profile.

Then the rest:
- Login Items
Allow us to configure items to autolaunch (network shares, etc.)

- Munki settings
We have VPP, and S3 support, but a number of admins still use Munki. I like having the repo URL and nag settings done as part of our profile instead of scripting it. I guess it is just a question of if you have enough users using Munki to make it worth the ROI.

- Screensaver settings (system wide)
Sounds small, but when you have multiple users on a shared device; the screen saver changing based on the last active user (including idle times!) is annoying (true story from users).

Kind of self explanatory. But for devices in an enterprise environment, having EAP, etc, preconfigured so they can just use their login (leverage that RADIUS directory!) and be on their way would be great. This works for smaller places that have a PSK as well, and they don't have to share the password.

-Application Profiles
Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox settings. Also, this would allow us to set extension preloads system wide (i.e. Bitwarden Password Manager)

Thanks for the feedback @rlyons! Lots of good stuff here! I'm going to note what you have listed and funnel back to my PM team.  

Novitiate III

Extremely new to the forum so maybe I just haven't found it yet, but I'm not seeing anything for loading printers/drivers aside from Airprint for Macs.  I can't think of a single office I manage that doesn't use printers so it strikes me as an odd right-out-of-the-box common need to not have addressed already.  MS has certainly screwed up printer management and permissions in AD as they struggle to recover from PrintNightmare so it seems like it would be a great place to 'do it better' and show off a little right from the start.

Just my two cents as I build out my first 'real' JC client.

Novitiate II

I would love to see policies for default applications and more policies tailored to a specific application.


@Rcap Thanks for your feedback! Can you elaborate more on the type of policies tailored to a specific application? Any "must have" policies that come to your mind? 

Also, tagging @TomBridge and @Josh in case they have more questions on this topic.

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