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Has anyone attempted deploying Powershell to Macs via JC commands (or running a script via commands?)

Rising Star III

More of a curiosity than anything, and it would be nice to use Powershell on remote workstations instead of having to bounce between PS on the Windows PCs and ZSH on the Macs. Just wondered if anyone had tried this, or better yet, does anyone admin their Macs with Powershell, and if so; how's that working out for you?


Rising Star III
Rising Star III

Hi @rlyons 
Quite like the idea certainly, but from my experience so far, PS is not a great helper in terms of managing Macs effectively. Basic operations via Commands are doable, but you will run into obstacles fairly quickly the moment it comes a bit closer to OS-specifics. 
I see this clearly when I'm writing my scripts on a Mac (using VScode) - often I can't run/debug them locally just due to the lag of agnostics there.

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