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Core Based CALs Calculator

Iron II
Iron II

That subject wasn't meant to be a tongue twister, but it might make your head spin if server licenses are coming out of your budget. Here's a handy "unofficial" Windows Server Licensing calculator. You pay the Number of CPUs per host times the cores in each CPU just for the privilege of licensing Windows Server.

I happened upon this site after speaking with a colleague about server licensing.

It's been a few years since I was an IT director at a mid-sized manufacturing company. Buying new servers was always an expensive proposition. I'm working on a blog about CALs, but wanted to be certain that my knowledge is up-to-date. His suggestion was, "call a company and ask around buying a server with X cores and ask to bundle MSFT licenses for a domain controller."

He followed that up with: "be prepared for aggressive emails lol". That's when I found this calculator.

It's been a nice week ... I'll spare myself the aggressive emails.


Rising Star III

Fuggitabout the Licensing calculator. That whole website is a TROVE of usefulness.

definitely. it has charts and calcs for all of the things I'm supposed to know ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

@rlyons you're right. RAID capacity calculator, Network throughput, plus SPF & WHOIS lookups ... I've had various stuff bookmarked but this is all in one place. Nice!

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