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Welcome! This is the JumpCloud product area

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

From the entire team, we'd like to welcome you to the product section of the community. This is a peer-to-peer area where you can discuss aspects of the JumpCloud product. Like our slack lounge, it is best effort and not frequented by our support team, nor is it considered an official support channel.

So how does this differ? This is a good place to have longer conversations that aren't a good fit for the lounge. You can share policies, scripts, and best practices that you'd like to be able to find later on via search. Older conversations won't disappear or get buried as easily. You can see the contributions of the members you're talking to, see their reputation and expertise.

And the best part? You can mark a question as answered (accept as solution) when someone helps you solve a problem! That helps the next person who comes along with a similar issue and it can be found via Google search, where conversations in the lounge can't.

When you start a post, you're required to assign a label, which you'll see on the right as you compose your post. Choose the one (or two) that best match what you're writing about. This will help us categorize the topics as the community grows. 

We're happy that you're here!

The JumpCloud community team

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