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Tips to Force-Install JC Go in Edge?

Novitiate II

We're a Mac shop running Edge here and we are wanting to utilize JumpCloud Go, however, the only way I'm finding is that it can be pushed out as a browser extension via Chrome. Does anyone have any tips on how to push this to Edge? Since it's built on the Chromium platform, I can't imagine it's that difficult. I just don't have those skills. Having users install it on their devices can be quite time-consuming and confusing to some folks. Any assistance would be appreciated.


Bronze I
Bronze I

Hi @maffrandj currently JumpCloud Go is only supported on Chrome. I believe there's support for more Browsers coming soon, but a Feature Request will help push things forward. ๐Ÿ™‚

I sure hope so. And I've already put in a feature request. Fingers crossed! ๐Ÿ˜

Under the hood Edge is Chrome (chromium) I have just tried it (on Windows) and works fine.

So I guess the question is, how do we centrally push a chromium extension out to edge browsers?

Exactly. Edge has all the bells and whistles associated with Chome, but doesn't hog your CPU. So, I think that is a better question to ask.

I don't know about Mac's but with Windows if you are in a hacking mood, if looks like a registry entry would do the trick (which you would have to push out using a jc command)

I wish we were running Windows because that would make life so much easier. I suppose I must wait until something changes.

JumpCloud Employee
JumpCloud Employee

@maffrandj we've got this work lined up and I look forward to getting Edge support out to you soon!! Changes are coming!

100% looking forward to this! 

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