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Hi folks,
It's been a while since my last post, and what a fulfilling fortnight it has been for the quarter end! As usual, our cu...
Hey all, I'm trying to get the future suspension date (if there is any) of all our JumpCloud users. There are hundreds of users but just a few of them have a suspension date. First I read all users ...
Hi everybody, I'd like to create a script using the Get-JCUser command to export all users with password_expiration_date minor than XX days or, maybe, with password_expiration_date - today() < XX...
Not quite a script, but a single Powershell line that I have autorun after agent install to help stop Windows from reinstalling forced, automatically installed, App Store applications. The biggest re...
Hi everybody, I'd like to know if there is a way to get the work phone and work mobile phone using Get-JCUser powershell command or if I need to use another way. Actually I'm using this script to g...
Hi everybody, I'd like to know if there is a way and/or script using Powershell Module to export the device details like Vendor, Model, Serial, ecc... for the whole devices, instead doing and export...
Hi everybody, I was wondering if anyone has or knows a script for jumpcloud to pull out the list of devices with operating system, version and build. Many thanks Dario
Admins need to know which of their JumpCloud systems have specific softwares installed and of what version in order to make decisions and effectively manage their fleet. This week, the newest version...
## Check user's current permissions
if groups ${username} | grep -q -w admin; then
echo "User is an admin. User will be bound with admin permissions."
echo "User is not a...