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What's a Responsibility Matrix?

Iron II
Iron II

Activities flowed from our Priority Matrix into a Responsibility Matrix at my previous company. The Responsibility Matrix, or “RM” for short, determined who was involved with a task, whether it was cross functional, and most importantly whether it was on track. Work doesn’t get accomplished if there are constraints in the way and no plan to remediate those. It takes some getting used to, but this is a “light” version of the “sprint” methodology that we use at JumpCloud. You can share a spreadsheet or even stand up a white board. Let’s be honest: not everyone likes meetings and meetings can get in the way of working if they aren’t used judiciously. Most of what’s recorded in an RM doesn’t require a meeting, but a cross-functional meet-up can oftentimes assign responsibility and drive projects forward when they’re stuck. Use meetings to make decisions and take action to keep work moving forward. Here's an example of one that I used, but you can search for "responsibility matrix" and find even more.


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