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Welcome! Introduce yourselves and mingle a bit.

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Let's start to get to know everyone and introduce ourselves to each other. I'm going to do a longer post to introduce the community team, but I'll go ahead and get started here to kick things off. You can do your intro however you'd like, but we'd love to have you include at least the basics:

Name, dob, ssn... oh wait. That's not it—wrong list. 🤣  Let me try again.

Name, current job title, company
fun fact about yourself

You can add more of course. And if you don't want to share your current company, you can say your industry instead.

Hi everyone! I'm Becky Scott, Senior Manager Technical Community at JumpCloud. You'll see a lot of me around here (sorry in advance) as this is part of my day job. Meetups and social also fall under my team. And a fun fact: if you haven't seen me on camera on the IT Hour yet this will be new to you—my hair is purple and I love it because it's, well, fun. Stick around and I'm sure you'll learn more about me. Like the fact that I abuse emojis and gifs. (Sorry, not sorry.)

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Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome David! Glad to have you here. 

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Novitiate I

Hi everyone! I'm Humashankar,

IT Focused Product Manager for nation's largest Bank

I am a versatile and dynamic professional with the ability to strategize, improvise, and elevate effectiveness
across a spectrum of IT architecture domains. My skill set encompasses a diverse range of expertise, allowing me
to navigate and excel in various aspects of technology and its integration. Whether it's designing robust
systems, optimizing workflows, or implementing cutting-edge solutions, I bring a multifaceted approach to every
challenge. My commitment to staying ahead of technological advancements ensures that I can consistently enhance
and adapt IT architectures to meet evolving needs.

And some fun fact about myself are:

"I'm an avid advocate for work-life balance and once organized a 'tech-free day' at the office where we engaged
in team-building activities without the use of technology, leading to increased morale and productivity."

I'm passionate about continuous learning and have completed numerous online courses and certifications across

As a problem-solving enthusiast, I participate in hackathons regularly and have won awards for innovative

I enjoy staying up-to-date with industry trends and often host lunch-and-learn sessions for colleagues to
discuss the latest advancements

I'm a firm believer in the power of diversity and inclusion and have organized diversity-focused events at
previous workplaces

I'm a published author in the field of financial and banking topics, having written articles for industry-
leading publications and published them in journals like Scopus

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome to the community Humashankar! 

Novitiate II

Hey there! 👋
I'm Ganesh Kurne (aka Mr.Koolney),  your friendly neighborhood Global IT Manager at Multiplier. I'm the guy who keeps the tech train chugging along while jamming to rap and rock tunes. When I'm not busy fixing glitches, you'll find me binge-watching anime or cautiously exploring new places (no haunted houses, please!). Let's rock this IT world together! 🎸👻

Welcome, Ganesh! 👋🏻

Great to have you here. We'll try to avoid haunted houses but you never know with this group (especially around Halloween!). I don't watch a ton of anime, but my kids were watching Avatar the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra recently and pulled me in (I believe that's considered anime—I'm really out of the loop).

Jump right in! Lots to explore here in the community, and don't forget to join us on Fridays for the IT Hour.

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Novitiate I

Hey everyone,

My name is Joseph, I found JC while looking for an MDM solution. I had the rare opportunity to start my own IT department and all of the infrastructure that comes with it. I just recently renewed my Platform Plus package with added JC Pro hours. 

I am a big fan of the whole product even if the PW manager is a little rough around the edges now I can see its getting better 🙂 

Since rolling out JC a year ago I now have 3 IT guys under me helping me roll out new policies and configure SSO etc. 

Looking forward to getting to know people here and sharing ideas and perspectives

Welcome, Joseph! We're glad to have you here 🙂

Welcome, Joseph! Congrats on getting to build from the ground up—that really is rare! And now you have a team...that's really great. Sounds like y'all are growing and doing amazing. We are glad to have you here.

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