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Introducing the Radical Admin

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

We are pleased to announce the Radical Admin blog! If you haven't seen it yet, it's under Leadership > Radical Admin Blog. Make sure you check out @pamlefkowitz's first blog post Radical Admin’s Grand Opening to see what it's all about! ✏️

The blog posts won't appear in the Community Activity feed on the home page, so make sure you subscribe. You can do that by going to the blog page and click Options: Subscribe in the right column (just under the big hero image). A bit later we'll be adding a featured section on the home page, but for now subscribing is the best way to follow. 📫 And you'll want to follow, because there are some GREAT posts to come. But we've already got some awesome content like:

PowerShell for Mac Admins 

Securing Your Consultancy 

Communication: a Two-Way Street 

Convincing Others that Security is Important 

What Does Cyber Insurance Mean for MSPs? 

And there's a lot more coming in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned! 📺

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