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Tool: Service Desk Staffing

JumpCloud Alumni
JumpCloud Alumni

Info-Tech has a ready-made calculator (requires you to register / fill out a form) to help folks who run IT departments determine the level of staffing needed to run their service desk. 

Basically, the tool asks you to take the total hours of service work and add to that figure, the time used for project hours, administrative hours, wellness breaks, training, holiday, PTO, and any other time off or non-helpdesk hours. The tool gives you an opportunity to forecast as well as discover the actual hours used at the service desk. Itโ€™s well thought out in that it doesnโ€™t expect 100% utilization of work hours - nobody can sustainably work at 100%, that would be unreasonable and unrealistic.

Thatโ€™s the easy part. The next phase of their calculator is where the magic happens. Using the analytics from your ticketing system, it will calculate your current utilization rate. Both of those figures will be used to calculate your total estimated staffing ratio. And because we all love data visualization, it has some helpful graphics that compare your actuals to your forecasted results.

All in all, this is a great tool that can help you achieve your KPI goals.

Here are some screenshots to give you an idea of what the tool looks like:

Calculator data pageCalculator data pageCalculator results pageCalculator results page

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