08-28-2024 05:54 AM - edited 09-02-2024 05:54 AM
Hi Folks,
I hope you all had a fantastic summer holiday—recharged, refreshed, and ready to take on September!
Last time I shared a solution which leverages JumpCloud’s device trust cert for Okta device trust, and almost immediately, I got the feedback: “What about using Okta’s SCEP for device trust?”
The answer is a resounding YES, especially now that we’ve launched SCEP policy support for Windows!
Let’s dive in.
# Define the URL and the output path
$url = "https://<your-okta-domain>.okta.com/api/v1/artifacts/WINDOWS_OKTA_VERIFY/download?releaseChannel=GA&packageType=EXE"
$outputPath = "C:\Temp\okta_verify.exe" # Change this path as needed
# Create the directory if it does not exist
$dir = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($outputPath)
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $dir)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dir
# Download the EXE file
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $outputPath
# Install the EXE for all users silently
Start-Process -FilePath $outputPath -ArgumentList "/silent /install /norestart /verysilent /quiet" -NoNewWindow -Wait
On A JumpCloud Managed Windows Device
First, Download the Okta Root CA
For Windows
For MacOS
It looks like this on MacOS (Windows is very similar)
And last but not least - on Okta admin console -> Directory -> Devices, these devices will show up as “Managed” here:
That’s it, hope you enjoyed it and see you again on the next post! 😀
08-28-2024 11:40 AM
This is excellent!
10-21-2024 04:45 PM
Followed this guide - I see the Okta cert in under the Local Machine > Personal store yet it's still showing as Not Managed in Okta. I removed and re-added a new policy and nada. What could I be missing 😞
10-21-2024 04:48 PM - edited 10-21-2024 05:37 PM
May have found solution - giving the logged in users perms to the private key of the cert. Worked on test machines. Let's see with prod 🤞
02-17-2025 11:22 AM
@jayPoh can you elaborate please how you fixed it? I followed an article but still getting "not managed" status. Testing with Windows device 🙂
02-17-2025 11:25 AM
@jayPoh Can you elaborate please on how did you fix it? I followed the whole article but no luck, still getting "Not Managed" status. I see Cert in Computer Personal Store. (testing with Windows)
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