All hoium's Badges

hoium has earned 6 badges!
  • Founding Member
    Founding Member
    Earned by 94
    Thank you for being a founding member of the JumpCloud IT Community! We appreciate your contributions during our launch phase.
  • IT Hour Attendee
    IT Hour Attendee
    Earned by 52
    Thanks for joining us at the IT Hour. We appreciate you visiting us on Fridays to gather around the virtual coffee maker / water cooler and talk IT.
  • Topic Starter
    Topic Starter
    Earned by 402
    This is how it starts—by getting involved in the community. Thanks for posting a topic!
  • You're a Giver
    You're a Giver
    Earned by 74
    Such a giver, you are! We love it when you show appreciation for others, so here's some for you.
  • Kudos to You!
    Kudos to You!
    Earned by 78
    You're getting noticed and have gotten 5 likes / kudos for your contributions so far. Keep it up!
  • Answer to the Problem
    Answer to the Problem
    Earned by 33
    You've gotten your first solution—way to go! Someone thought your answer was the best one and they marked it as such. Keep it up!