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Convert DMG to PKG and sign package for deployment

JumpCloud Employee
JumpCloud Employee

JumpCloud software management currently only supports PKG files. However, admins can convert the DMG file to a PKG using the instructions below and the PKG file must be signed with an Apple Developer ID account and it should be a product archive that is a developer-signed distribution package.

TIP - You can use any third-party app like Suspicious Package to verify the PKG file if it’s a component package or a distribution package.

  1. Open DMG file (double click)

  2. Move the .app file to the Applications folder

  1. Open terminal and run the following command: 
    sudo productbuild --component /path_to_app/ /output_folder/Converted.pkg 

    The example below will convert Suspicious in the Applications folder to SuspiciousPackage.pkg and save to Desktop:
    sudo productbuild --component /Applications/Suspicious\ ~/Desktop/SuspiciousPackage.pkg


Signing PKG file after conversion:

Signing packages requires a developer identifier and a signing certificate. You must have an Apple developer account as a pre-requisite. To understand how to sign the package please see our help centre article which explains the process: Sign Software Packages for MDM Delivery.

Once the package has been signed it is now ready to be deployed using JumpCloud. Please have a look at Manage Self-Hosted macOS Apps and Manage Software with JumpCloud Private Repository for options on how you can deploy the .pkg file to your macOS devices.


Rising Star I

This is awesome.   Well written 🙂

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