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Convert DMG to PKG and sign package for deployment

JumpCloud Employee
JumpCloud Employee

JumpCloud software management currently only supports PKG files. However, admins can convert the DMG file to a PKG using the instructions below and the PKG file must be signed with an Apple Developer ID account and it should be a product archive that is a developer-signed distribution package.

TIP - You can use any third-party app like Suspicious Package to verify the PKG file if itโ€™s a component package or a distribution package.

  1. Open DMG file (double click)

  2. Move the .app file to the Applications folder

  1. Open terminal and run the following command: 
    sudo productbuild --component /path_to_app/ /output_folder/Converted.pkg 

    The example below will convert Suspicious in the Applications folder to SuspiciousPackage.pkg and save to Desktop:
    sudo productbuild --component /Applications/Suspicious\ ~/Desktop/SuspiciousPackage.pkg


Signing PKG file after conversion:

Signing packages requires a developer identifier and a signing certificate. You must have an Apple developer account as a pre-requisite. To understand how to sign the package please see our help centre article which explains the process: Sign Software Packages for MDM Delivery.

Once the package has been signed it is now ready to be deployed using JumpCloud. Please have a look at Manage Self-Hosted macOS Apps and Manage Software with JumpCloud Private Repository for options on how you can deploy the .pkg file to your macOS devices.


Rising Star II

This is awesome.   Well written ๐Ÿ™‚

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