Windows Device Mgmt: Create and Bind Unlimited Registry Policies!!

JumpCloud Alumni
JumpCloud Alumni


Hi there! I'm Michelle McGough from the JumpCloud Windows Devices Product Management Team.

I'd like to take a moment to share this enhancement with you.

JumpCloud now enables you to create and bind as many custom Windows Registry Policies as needed.

Key Features

  • Enables you to create individual custom policies for different use cases (previously was limited to a single custom policy with multiple keys per device)

  • Using multiple custom policies simplifies the creation and management your organizations unique settings


Key Benefits

Reduces complexity and improves your Administrator experience
Each individual custom policy can now:

    • Have a single or multiple registry settings that apply for a specific use case

    • Have a unique name, making it easier to know which policies have been applied

    • Be changed, unbound, or deleted without disturbing registry settings applied in other policies

The Knowledge Base Article can be found here

If you have more questions about 


Rising Star II

Thank you for implementing this.  It was always painful having to create one large policy to contain all registry settings.  Allowing more granular control will help provide a lot more flexibility when distributing multiple registry settings and more predictability/stability when changes or updates need to be made.

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

If you missed last week's IT Hour, Michelle was our guest. Might want to go watch the replay!

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I did manage to attend that session and see Michelle's presentation on this.  Great stuff!

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager
Yay! I'm glad you were able to catch it.

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